N abbaye "abbey, f." O d’abord first A abstrait(e) abstract V accélérer to speed up N accident "accident, m." V accompagner "to accompany, go with" V accomplir accomplish N accord "agreement, m." "d’accord: agreed, OK" N accordéon "accordion, m." N achat "purchase, m." faire des achats: to shop V acheter "to buy, purchase" N "acteur, actrice" "actor, actress, m/f." N actualité "current event, f." A actuel(le) "current, present" V adorer to adore N adresse "address, f." N aérogramme "aerogram, air mail letter, m." N aéroport "airport, m." N affaire "business, f." N affiche "poster, notice, f." A affreux(-se) horrible A africain(e) African N Afrique "Africa, f." N âge "age, m." N agence "agency, office, f." N agence de l'emploi employment agency N agence immobiliére real estate agency N agent "agent, policeman, m." agent de police: policeman A agité(e) "agitated, nervous" A agréable "pleasant, agreeable" V agréer to accept V aider (à) "to help, assist, aid" O d'ailleurs "besides, moreover" A aimable "likeable, nice" V aimer "to like, love" aimer mieux: to prefer N air "air, look, m." O avoir l'air (de) "to seem, appear, to look like" O en plein air "outdoors; outdoor, open-air" A aisé(e) "comfortable, well-off" V ajouter add N alcool "alcohol, liquor, m." N alimentation "food, foodstuff, f." N aliment "food, sustenance, m." N Allemagne "Germany, f." allemand(e): German V aller to go O aller bien "to feel fine, feel well" O aller chercher to go get (someone or something) O aller mal to feel sick O allô! hello! (telephone) V allumer "to light, turn on" O alors "so, then, at that time" N Alpes "Alps, f pl." N alpinisme "mountain climbing, m." A alsacien(ne) Alsatian A ambitieux(-se) ambitious V amener to bring A américain(e) American N ami(e) "friend, m/f." N petit(e) ami(e) "boyfriend/girlfriend, m./f." N amitié "friendship, f." N amour "love, m." A amusant(e) "amusing, entertaining" V amuser "to amuse, entertain" V s'amuser (à) "to enjoy oneself, have fun" N an "year, m." N ancêtre "ancestor, m." A ancien(ne) "antique, old" N angine "sore throat, f." N anglais "English, m." N Angleterre "England, f." N animal "animal, beast, m." "(-aux, pl)" A animé(e) animated N année "year, f." N anniversaire "birthday, anniversary, m." N annonce "announcement, advertisement, f." N annonce classée "classified ad, f." V annoncer to announce N annuaire "directory, m." N anorak "ski jacket, m." A anxieux(-se) nervous N août "August, m." V apercevoir "to see, perceive" V s'apercevoir (de) to realize N apéritif "cocktail, m." N appareil "appliance, machine, m." N appareil-photo "camera, m." N appartement "apartment, m." N appel "call, appeal, m." V appeler to call "s'appeler: to be named, called" V applaudir to applaud V apporter to bring V apprendre (à) to learn V appris past part. of apprendre P après "after, afterward" "apres-midi: afternoon, m." A arabe Arab N arbre "tree, m." N architecte "architect, m/f." N architecture "architecture, f." N argent "money, silver, m." N armée "army, f." V arrêter (de) to stop "s'arrêter (de): to stop, halt" N arrivée "arrival, f." V arriver to arrive N arrondissement "district, m." N art "art, m." N article "article, m." N artiste "artist, m/f." N ascenseur "elevator, m." N Asie "Asia, f." V s'asseoir to sit down O assez "enough, quite, rather" N assiette "plate, f." V assister à "to attend, be present at" V associer to associate N "Atlantique,(l'océan Atlantique)" "Atlantic Ocean, m." V atteindre "to reach, attain" O atteint past part. of atteindre V attendre to wait for O attention! watch out! faire attention: to be careful V attirer "to attract, draw near" P au (à + le) "to, at, in, on" P au dessous de below au dessus de: above P au revoir good-bye A aucun(e) none O aujourd'hui today O aussi also O aussitôt immediately aussitôt que: as soon as N Australie "Australia, f." O autant as much N auteur "author, m." N auto(mobile) "car, f." N autobus "intracity bus, m." N automne "autumn, m." A autre other N Autriche "Austria, f." A autrichien(ne) Austrian P aux (à + les) "to, at, in, on" A avance (en avance) early P avant before O avant-hier day before yesterday N avantage "advantage, m." P avec with N avenir "future, m." N avion "airplane, m." par avion: air mail N avis "opinion, m." N "avocat, avocate" "lawyer, m/f." V avoir to have N avril "April, m." N bagages "baggage, luggage, m pl." N bague "ring, f." V baigner to bathe N bain "bath, m." N baiser "kiss, m." N bal "ball, dance, m." N balcon "balcony, m." N balle "ball, f." N ballet "ballet, m." N ballon "ball (inflated), m." N banane "banana, f." N bande "tape, band, f." N bande dessinée comic strip N banque "bank, f." N banquier "banker, m." N bar "bar, m." N barbe "beard, f." N bas "stockings, m pl." N basket-ball "basketball, m." N bateau "boat, m." N bâtiment "building, m." V bâtir to build N batterie "percussion instruments, f." V battre to beat V bavarder to chat A beau (bel) belle "beautiful, handsome" O beaucoup "very much, a lot" O beaucoup de monde many people N beauté "beauty, f." N beaux-arts "fine arts, m pl." A belge Belgian N Belgique "Belgium, f." A belle "beautiful, f." N béret "beret, m." N besoin "need, m." "avoir besoin de: to need, require" A bête stupid N beurre "butter, m." A beurré(e) buttered N bibliothécaire "librarian, f." N bibliothèque "library, f." N bicyclette "bicycle, f." O bien well O bien sûr "certainly, of course" O bientôt soon à bientôt: see you soon N bière "beer, f." N bifteck "steak, m." N bijou "jewel, m." A bilingue bilingual N billet "ticket, m." N biologie "biology, f." A biologique biological N bise "kiss, f." N blague "joke, f." sans blague: no kidding! A blanc(he) white V blanchir "to whiten, make white" N blé "wheat, m." V blesser to wound A bleu(e) blue A blond(e) blond V boire to drink N bois "wood, woods, m." A boisé(e) wooded N boisson "drink, m." N boîte "box, can, f." "boîte à lettres: mailbox, f." N bol "bowl, m." A bon(ne) good N bonne affaire "bargain, a good buy, f" O bonne heure (de-) early O bonjour hello N bonnet "hat, m." N bord "border, side, m." N botanique "botany, f." N botte "boot, f." N bouche "mouth, f." N "boucher, bouchère" "butcher, m/f." N boucherie "butcher shop, f." V boucler to buckle N boucles d'oreilles "earrings, f pl." N "boulanger, boulangère" "baker, m/f." N boulangerie "bakery, f." N boulot "work, job (slang), m." N boum "party (slang), f." N Bourgogne "Burgundy, f." N bouteille "bottle, f." N boutique "shop, boutique, f." N bracelet "bracelet, m." N bras "arm, m." O bravo! great! N Bretagne "Brittany, f." N breton "Breton, m." N bricolage "odd jobs, m." N "bricoleur, bricoleuse" "handyman, m/f." N bridge "bridge (card game), m." A brillant(e) "brilliant, bright" V briser to break N bronchite "bronchitis, f." N brosse "brush, f." N brosse à cheveux hair brush N brosse à dents toothbrush V brosser to brush se brosser: to brush one's.... N brouillard "fog, m." N bruit "noise, m." V brûler to burn A brun(e) brown N Bruxelles "Brussels, f." V bu past part. of boire N buffet "snack bar, m." N bureau "desk, office, m." N bureau de poste "post office, m." N bureau de renseignements "information desk, m." N bureau de tabac "tobacco shop, m." N cabaret "night club, cabaret, m." N bus "intracity bus, m." O ça that O ça va? how are things? ça va bien: things are fine O c'est ça that's right N cabine "booth, cabin, f." N cadeau "gift, m." N cadre "executive, manager, m." N café "café, coffee, m." N café au lait "coffee with milk, m." N cafetière "coffee pot, f." N cahier "notebook, m." N caisse "cash register, f." N "caissier, caissière" "cashier, m/f." N calculatrice "calculator, f." A calé(e) smart N Californie "California, f." A calme calm N camarade "friend, m/f." N camarade de chambre "roommate, m/f." N caméra "movie or television camera, f." N campagne "country, f." N camping "camping, m." V faire du camping to go camping N campus "campus, m." N Canada "Canada, m." A canadien(ne) Canadian N canard "duck, m." N cap "cape, point, m." N car "intercity bus, m." N caractère "personality, m." N carafe "carafe, f." N carambolage "pile-up, chain of rear-end collisions, m." N caravane "trailer, caravan, f." N "cardiaque, (crise cardiaque)" "heart attack, f." N carnaval "carnival, m." N carré "square, m." N carte "map, menu, f." N carte d'identité "identification card, f." N carte grise "car registration, f." N cas "case, m." en tout cas: in any case V casser to break se casser: to break (a bone) N cassette "cassette, f." A catalan(e) Catalan N cathédrale "cathedral, f." N cause "cause, f." O "ce, c'" "it, that" c'est: it is A "ce (cet), cette" "this, that" "ces: these, those" O ceci this N ceinture "belt, f." O cela that A célèbre famous A célibataire "single, unmarried" O celle "the one, f." O "celui, (ceux, celle, celles)" the one(s) O celui-ci "this one, the latter" O celui-là "that one, the former" A cent hundred N centième "hundredth, m." N cercle "circle, m." N cerise "cherry, f." A certain(e) certain O certainement certainly N cerveau "brain, m." O chacun(e) each one N chaîne "channel, f." N chaîne stéréo "stereo system, f." N chaise "chair, f." N chaleur "heat, warmth, f." N chambre "bedroom, f." N champ "field, m." N champignon "mushroom, m." N chance "luck, f." V avoir de la chance to be lucky N Chandeleur "Candlemas, f." V changer to change N chanson "song, f." N "chansonnier, chansonnière" "satirical song writer, m/f." N chant "song, m." V chanter to sing N "chanteur, chanteuse" "singer, m/f." N chapeau "hat, m." N chaperon "hood, m." N chapitre "chapter, m." A chaque each N charcuterie "delicatessen, pork butcher's shop, f." N "charcutier, charcutière)" "pork butcher, m/f." N charges "maintenance fees, f. pl." A charmant(e) "charming, nice" N chasse "hunt, f." N chat "cat, m." N château "castle, m." A chaud(e) hot O il fait chaud the weather is hot V avoir chaud to be hot (said of a person) N chauffage "heating, m." V chauffer to heat N chauffeur "driver, m." N chaussette "sock, f." N chaussure "shoe, f." N chef "chief, chef, m." N chef d'orchestre "conductor, m." N chemin "way, route, m." N chemin de fer railroad N chemise "shirt, f." N chemisier "blouse, m." N chèque "check, m." A cher(ère) "dear, expensive" V chercher to look for N chéri(e) dear N cheval "horse, m." #NAME? N cheveux "hair, m pl." P chez at (the house of) N chien "dog, m." N chimie "chemistry, f." N chimiste "chemist, m." A chinois(e) Chinese N chocolat "chocolate, m." N chocolat chaud "hot chocolate, m." V choisir (de) to choose N choix "choice, m." A choquant(e) shocking N chorale "choir, f." N chose "thing, f." N chou "cabbage, m." "mon chou: dear, honey" A chouette "great, cute" slang N chute d'eau "waterfall, f." N cidre "cider, m." N ciel "sky, m." N cigare "cigar, m." N cigarette "cigarette, f." N cinéma "movie theater, movies, m." A cinq five A cinquante fifty A cinquantième fiftieth A cinquieme fifth N circulation "traffic, f." N citadelle "citadel, stronghold, f." N citron "lemon, m." "citron pressé: lemonade, m." A clair(e) "bright, clear" N clarinette "clarinet, f." N classe "class, f." A classique "classical, classic" N climat "climate, m." N clinique "clinic, f." N clocher "bell tower, m." N coca(-cola) "cola, m." N coeur "heart, m." N coffre "trunk of a car, m." N coin "corner, m." N collant "tights, pantyhose, m." N collège "junior high school, m." N collègue "colleague, m/f." N collier "necklace, m." N colline "hill, f." O combien how much O combien de "how many, how much" O combien font how much is O depuis combien de temps for how long N comédie "comedy, f." A comique comic N commande "order, f." V commander to order O comme "like, as" N commencement "beginning, m." V commencer (à) to begin O comment how comment ça va?: how are things? V commenter to comment on N commerçant "merchant, m." N commerce "business, commerce, m." A commercial(e) commercial #NAME? A commode "convenient, handy" N compagnie "company, f." N "compagnon, compagne" "companion, m/f." N comparaison "comparison, f." V comparer to compare N complet "suit, m." V compléter to complete V composer to compose N compositeur "composer, m." V comprendre to understand V compris past part. of comprendre N comptable "accountant, m/f." V compter to count N concert "concert, m." N concierge "superintendent of apartment building, m/f." N concurrence "competition, f." V conduire to drive V conduit past part. of conduire V confirmer to confirm N confiture "jam, f." A conformiste conformist N confort "comfort, m." A confortable comfortable N congélateur "freezer, m." N connaissance "acquaintance, f." V connaître "to know, be acquainted with" V connu past part. of connaître N conseil "advice, m." V "conseiller (à, de)" to advise N consommation "drink, f." N consonne "consonant, f." V construire "to construct, build" V construit past part. of construire N conte "tale, m." "conte de fées: fairy tale, m." V contenir to contain A content(e) pleased N continent "continent, m." V continuer to continue N contraire "opposite, m." au contraire: on the contrary N contravention "traffic ticket, f." P contre against N contrebasse "double-bass, f." N contrôle "control, m." V contrôler "to control, check" N contrôleur "conductor, m." V convenir (à) "to suit, be appropriate" N copain "friend, m." N Copenhague "Copenhagen, f." N copine "friend, f." N corbeille "wastebasket, f." N corps "body, m." N correspondant (-ante) (1) correspondent N correspondant (-ante) "(2) party called (telephone), m/f." N Corse "Corsica, f." N costume "outfit, costume, m." N côte "coast, f." N côté "side, m." "à côté de: next to, beside" N cou "neck, m." N couchage (sac de-) "sleeping bag, m." V coucher to lay (something) down V se coucher "to go to bed, to lie down" N couleur "color, f." N couloir "corridor, hall, m." N coup "blow, stroke, m." see: coup de téléphone V couper to cut N cour "court, f." N courage "courage, m." A courageux(-se) courageous N courrier "mail, m." N cours "course, class, m." N course "race, f." N courses "errands, f pl." V faire des courses to run errands A courtois(e) courteous N "cousin, cousine" "cousin, m/f." N coût "cost, m." N couteau "knife, m." V coûter to cost N couvent "convent, m." N couvercle "lid, cover, m." V couvert past part. of couvrir V couvrir to cover N craie "chalk, f." V craindre "to be afraid of someone, something" N cravate "necktie, f." N crayon "pencil, m." N crédit "credit, m." N crème "cream, f." N crémerie "dairy shop, creamery, f." N créole "Creole (language), m." V crever to puncture N crise #NAME? N crise de foie "liver attack, f." N critique "critic, m." N critique "criticism, f." V croire (à) (en) to believe (in) N croissant "crescent roll, m." N croix "cross, f." V cru past part. of croire A cru(e) raw N cuillère "spoon, f." V cuire to cook N cuisine "kitchen, f." V faire la cuisine "to cook, prepare food" N cuisinière "stove, f." A cuit(e) cooked N culture "culture, f." A culturel(le) cultural N dactylo "typist, m/f." N dame "lady, f." N Danemark "Denmark, m." A dangereux(-se) dangerous A danois(e) Danish P dans "in, into, within" V danser to dance N "danseur, danseuse" "dancer, m/f." N date "date, f." P de "of, from, about" N décembre "December, m." V décevoir to deceive V décider (de) to decide N décollage "take-off, m." V décoller to take off N décorateur (-trice) "decorator, m/f." V décourager to discourage V découvert past part. of découvrir V découvrir "to discover, uncover" V décrire to describe V décrit past part. of décrire V décrocher "to unhook, lift a receiver" V défendre "to forbid, defend" O défense de stationner no parking N degré "degree, m." O déjà "already, previously" V déjeuner "to have breakfast, lunch" N déjeuner "lunch, m." "petit déjeuner: breakfast, m." N demain tomorrow à demain: see you tomorrow V "demander (à, de)" to ask V démarrer to start (a car or machine) A demi(e) half V démolir to demolish N démon "demon, m." N dent "tooth, f." N dentrifice "toothpaste, m." N dentiste "dentist, m/f." N départ "departure, m." N département "department, m." N dépassement #NAME? V dépasser to pass V se dépêcher to hurry V dépenser to spend P depuis "since, for" P depuis combien de temps for how long P depuis quand since when N dérangement "disturbance, trouble, m." A dernier(-ère) last N derrière behind A des some O dès que as soon as A désagréable unpleasant V descendre to go down V désirer to wish V désobéir to disobey A désolé(e) sorry N dessert "dessert, m." N dessin "drawing, m." "dessin animé: cartoon, m." N dessinateur (-trice) "draftsman, draftswoman, m/f." N dessinateur humoristique cartoonist V dessiner to draw V se détendre to relax V détester to detest V détruire to destroy A deux two A deuxième second P devant in front of V devenir to become V devenu past part. of devenir V deviner to guess V devoir "must, have to (with infinitive), to owe" N devoirs "homework, m pl." N dialecte "dialect, m." N dialogue "dialogue, m." N diapo(sitive) "slide, f." N dictée "dictition, f." N dictionnaire "dictionary, m." N Dieu "God, m." mon dieu!: my goodness! N différence "difference, f." A différent(e) different A difficile difficult N dimanche "Sunday, m." N dinde "turkey, f." V dîner to dine N diplôme "diploma, m." V dire (à) (de) "to say, tell" dis!: say! hey! N "directeur, directrice" "director, m/f." A discipliné(e) disciplined N disco "disco music, m." N discothèque "record cabinet, discotheque, f." V discuter (de) "to argue, discuss" N disque "record, m." N distractions "entertainment, f pl." V distraire to entertain V dit past part. of dire N divorce "divorce, m." A divorcé(e) divorced A dix ten A dix-huit eighteen A dix-neuf nineteen A dix-sept seventeen A dixième tenth N "docteur, doctoresse" "doctor, m/f." N document "document, m." N documentaire "documentary, f." N dominos "dominoes, m pl." O dommage (c'est-) it's a pity V donner (à) to give donner sur: to look out on O dont "whose, of whom, of which" V dormir to sleep N dortoir "dormitory, m." N douane "customs, f." N douche "shower, f." V prendre une douche to take a shower N doute "doubt, m." A sans doute "doubtless, without doubt" V douter to doubt A doux(-ce) "sweet, gentle" N douzaine "about a dozen, f." A douze twelve N drame "drama, play, m." O droit (tout-) straight ahead N droit "right, law, m." "faculté de droit: law school, f." A droit(e) right à droite: on the right A à droite de to the right of A drôle funny N drugstore "drugstore, m." O du de + le V dû past part. of devoir O duquel de + lequel N durée "duration, f." V durer to last A dynamique dynamic N eau "water, f." eau minérale: mineral water N échecs "chess, m pl." V échouer (à) to fail N école "school, f." N économie "economy, f." A économique "economic, economical" V écouter to listen to N écran "screen, m." "petit écran: television, m." N écrevisse "crayfish, f." V écrire to write V écrit past part. of écrire N écrivain "writer, m." O effet (en-) indeed A effrayant(e) "frightful, terrifying" N église "Catholic church, f." N électricien (-tricienne) "electrician, m/f." N élève "student, m/f." V éliminer to eliminate O elle "she, her, it, f." "elle-même: herself, itself, f." N elles "they, them, f pl." "elles-mêmes:themselves,f pl." N embarquement "boarding, m." V embrasser to kiss N émission "broadcast, f." A émouvant(e) touching N emploi "employment, m." V employer to use P en "to, at, in; some, any" O encore again V encourager (à) to encourage N encre "ink, f." V endormir to put to sleep V s'endormir to fall asleep A énergique energetic V énerver to annoy V s'énerver "to get nervous, excited" N enfant "child, m/f." O enfin finally V s'engager to volunteer for military service V ennuyer "to bore, annoy" V s'ennuyer to be bored A ennuyeux(-se) boring V enregistrer to record V enregistrer sa valise to check one's suitcase N enseignement #NAME? V enseigner to teach O ensemble together O ensuite "then, afterwards" V entendre to hear V s'entendre "to understand one another, get along" A enthousiaste enthusiastic P entre between V entrer to enter N entretien "interview, m." N envie "desire, f." "avoir envie de: to want to, feel like" V envoyer to send N épaule "shoulder, f." V épeler to spell N épice "spice, f." N épicerie "grocery store, f." N "épicier, épicère" "grocer, m/f." N épinards "spinach, m pl." N époque "epoch, era, f." A épouvantable frightful N épouvante "horror, fright, f." A équilibré(e) balanced N erreur "error, f." N escalier "staircase, m." N escargot "snail, m." N esclave "slave, m/f." N Espagne "Spain, f." A espagnol(e) Spanish V espérer to hope N "espion, espionne" "spy, m/f." N espionnage "spying, espionage, m." N Esquimau "Eskimo, m/f." N esquimau "ice-cream pop, m." V essayer (de) to try N essence "gas (gasoline), f." N essuie-glace "windshield wiper, m." V essuyer to wipe s'essuyer: to dry oneself N est "east, m." N estomac "stomach, m." O et and V établir to establish V s'établir "to establish oneself, settle" N étage "floor, story (of a building), m." N étagère "shelf, f." N États-Unis (d'Amérique) "U.S.A., m pl." N été "summer, m." V été past part. of être V éteindre "to extinguish, put out" V éteint past part. of éteindre N étiquette "label, price tag, f." N étoile "star, f." N "étranger, étrangère" "foreigner, m/f." A étranger(-ère) foreign V être to be N être "being, m." A étroit(e) narrow N étude "study, f." N "étudiant, étudiante" "university student, m/f." V étudier to study V eu past part. of avoir A européen(-ne) European O eux "they, them, m pl." eux-mêmes: themselves N événement "event, m." O évidemment "evidently, obviously" A évident(e) obvious V éviter to avoid O exactement exactly N examen "exam, m." V examiner to examine A excellent(e) excellent V excepté except V s'excuser to apologize N exemple "example, m." V exercer to exercise V expliquer to explain N exposition "exhibition, f." N exprès (en-) special delivery N express "express train, m." N expression "expression, f." A facile easy O facilement easily N façon "way, manner, f." N facteur "mailman, m." N faculté "school of a university, f." A faible weak V faim (avoir-) to be hungry V faire "to do, make" V ça ne fait rien that doesn't matter V il fait mauvais the weather is bad V il fait de l'anglais he studies English V fait past part. of faire N fait divers "news item, m." V falloir to be necessary il faut: it is necessary V fallu past part. of falloir N famille "family, f." A fatigué(e) tired N faute "mistake, f." faire une faute: to make a mistake A faux(-sse) FALSE A favori(te) favorite N femme "woman, wife, f." N femme d'affaires "business woman, f." N femme au foyer "homemaker, f." N fenêtre "window, f." N fente "slot, f." N ferme "farm, f." V fermer "to close, shut" N fermeture "closing, f." N festival "festival, m." N fête "holiday, f." N feu "fire, traffic light, m." N feuille "leaf, f." N feuilleton "serial, m." N feutre "felt, felt-tipped pen, m." N février "February, m." N "fiancé, fiancée" "engaged to be married, m/f." A fidèle faithful N fièvre "fever, f." N figure "face, f." N filet "fillet, m." N fille "girl, daughter, f." N film "film, m." "film policier: detective film, m." N fils "son, m." N fin "end, f." "fin de semaine: weekend, f." V finir (de) to finish V fixer to set A flamand(e) Flemish N fleur "flower, f." N fleuriste "florist, m." N fleuve "river, m." N flûte "flute, f." N foie "liver, m." N fois "time, f." N football "soccer, m." N force "force, strength, f." N forêt "forest, f." N formation "training, f." A formidable fantastic N formule "formula, f." A fort(e) "loud, strong" être fort en: to be good at N forteresse "fortress, f." N fortification "fortification, f." A fortifié(e) fortified N foule "crowd, f." V se fouler "to sprain, twist" N four "oven, m." N fourchette "fork, f." A frais (fraîche) "fresh, cool" N fraise "strawberry, f." N franc "franc, m." A français(e) French N France "France, f." A francophone French-speaking N frein "brake, m." V freiner to brake N frère "brother, m." V frire to fry A froid(e) cold il fait froid: the weather is cold V avoir froid to be cold said of a person N fromage "cheese, m." N frontière "border, frontier, f." N fruit "fruit, m." N fruits de mer "shellfish, m pl." V fumer to smoke N "fumeur, fumeuse" "smoker, m/f." N (non-) fumeur "(non-) smoking section, m." A furieux(-se) furious N fusée "rocket, f." V gagner "to earn, win, gain" N galette "thin cake, f." N gant "glove, m." "gant de toilette: wash cloth, m." N garage "garage, m." N garçon "boy, waiter, m." N garde-robe "wardrobe, f." V garder to keep N gare "train station, f." V garer to park N gâteau "cake, m." A gauche left à gauche: on the left A à gauche de to the left of V geler to freeze N gendarme "policeman, m." A général(e) general A en général "generally, in general" N général "general, m." A généreux(-se) generous N génie "engineering, m." N genou "knee, m." N genre "kind, sort, m." N gens "people, m pl." N jeunes gens "young people, m pl." A gentil(le) "kind, nice" N gestion "management, administration, f." N gigot d'agneau "leg of lamb, m." N glace "ice cream, f." N glaçon "ice cube, m." N golf "golf, m." N gomme "rubber, eraser, f." N gorge "throat, f." N goût "taste, m." avoir bon goût: to have good taste V goûter to taste N gouvernement "government, m." A grammatical(e) grammatical A grand(e) "large, tall" N grand(e) magasin "department store, m." N grands titres "headlines, m pl." N grand-mère "grandmother, f." N grand-père "grandfather, m." N grands-parents "grandparents, m pl." V grandir "to grow up, grow taller" A gras(se) "fat, greasy" A grave "serious, grave" N graveur "engraver, m." N gravure "engraving, f." N grenouille "frog, f." N grille-pain "toaster, m." V griller to toast V grimper to climb N grippe "flu, f." A gris(e) gray A gros(se) "big, fat" V grossir to gain weight N grotte "cave, f." N groupe "group, m." V guérir "to cure, heal, get well" N guerre "war, f." N guichet "ticket window, m." N guide "guide, m/f." N Guyane "Guiana, f." N gymnastique "gymnastics, f." V habiller to dress s'habiller: to get dressed V habiter to live in N habitude "habit, f." d'habitude: usually A haïtien(ne) Haitian N haricots verts "green beans, m pl." N hasard "chance, m." par hasard: by chance A haut(e) high à haute voix: aloud N haut-parleur "loudspeaker, m." N hautbois "oboe, m." N La Haye "The Hague, f." N hebdomadaire "weekly magazine or newspaper, m." N heure "hour, f." à l'heure: on time O heureusement fortunately A heureux(-se) happy O hier yesterday avant-hier: day before yesterday N histoire "history, story, f." A historique historical N hiver "winter, m." A hollandais(e) Dutch N Hollande "Holland (Netherlands), f." N homme "man, m." N homme d'affaires "business man, m." N homme d'état "statesman, m." N homme au foyer "man who is a homemaker, m." N hôpital "hospital, m." N horaire "schedule, m." N horloge "clock, f." N hors-d'oeuvre "appetizer, m." N hôtel "hotel, m." N hôtesse de l'air "stewardess, f." A huit eight A huitième eighth A humain(e) human A humide humid A humoristique humorous N humour (sens de l'-) "sense of humor, m." O ici here A idéal(e) ideal A idáliste idealistic N idée "idea, f." O il "he, it, m." N île "island, f." A illogique illogical O ils "they, m pl." O il y a "there is, there are" N image "picture, f." V imaginer to imagine N immatriculation (numéro d'imm...) "license plate num., m." N immeuble "apartment building, m." N immigration (service d'imm...) "immigrat. office, m." A impair odd (number) A impatient(e) impatient N imperméable "raincoat, m." A important(e) important V imprimer to print N imprimerie "printshop, f." N imprimeur "printer, m." A imprudent(e) careless N incident "incident, m." A indiscipliné(e) undisciplined A undividualiste individualistic A industriel(le) industrial N infirmier (infirmière) "nurse, m/f." N informations "news, news broadcast, f pl." N infusion "herb tea, f." N ingénieur "engineer, m." N ingénieur du son "sound engineer, m." V inquiéter to worry s'inquiéter: to worry V s'inscrire to register N instituteur (institutrice) "school teacher, m/f." N instrument "instrument, m." A insupportable unbearable A intelligent(e) intelligent N intensité "intensity, f." A interdit(e) forbidden A intéressant(e) interesting V intéresser to interest V s'intéresser à to be interested in A interurbain (un appel inter...) long distance phone call V interviewer to interview A invalide disabled N invitation "invitation, f." N "invité, invitée" "guest, m/f." V inviter to invite A irlandais(e) Irish N Irland "Ireland, f." N Italie "Italy, f." A italien(ne) Italian O jamais never N jambe "leg, f." N jambon "ham, m." N janvier "January, m." A japonais(e) Japanese N jardin "garden, m." N jardinage "gardening, m." A jaune yellow V jaunir to turn yellow N jazz "jazz, m." O je (j') I V jeter "to throw, hurl" N jeu "game, m." "jeu télévisé: TV game show, m." N jeudi "Thursday, m." A jeune young "jeune fille: girl, f." N jeunesse "youth, f." N jogging "jogging, m." N joie "joy, f." V joindre to join V joint past part. of joindre A joli(e) pretty V jouer to play V jouer aux échecs to play chess V jouer du piano to play piano N "joueur, joueuse" "player, m/f." N jour "day, m." N huit jours a week N jour de l'An "New Year's Day, m." N quel jour sommes-nous? what day is it? N quinze jours two weeks N tous les jours every day N journal "newspaper, m." N journal télévisé "television news, m." N journalisme "journalism, m." N journée "day, f." toute la journée: all day long V juger to judge N juillet "July, m." N juin "June, m." N jupe "skirt, f." N jus "juice, m." P jusque "until, as far as, up to" A juste "exactly, only, small, tight" O justement exactly N kilo(gramme) "kilogram, m." N kiosque "newsstand, m." O la (l') "the, her, it" O là there O là-bas over there N laboratoire "laboratory, m." N lac "lake, m." N laine "wool, f." V laisser "to allow, leave" N lait "milk, m." N lampe "lamp, f." N langue "tongue, language, f." N lapin "rabbit, m." N latin "Latin, m." N lavabo "bathroom sink, m." V laver to wash se laver: to wash oneself O le (l') "the, him, it" N leçon "lesson, f." N "lecteur, lectrice" "reader, m/f." A légal(e) legal A léger(-ère) light N légume "vegetable, m." O lentement slowly O "lequel (lesquels, laquelle, lesquelles)" which one(s) O les "(pl): the, them" N lettre "letter, f." N lettres "humanities, f pl." O leur "their, to them" P leur "their, m/f." V lever to raise se lever: to get up A libanais(e) Lebanese A libéral(e) liberal N libraire "bookseller, m/f." N librairie "bookstore, f." A libre free N licence "degree equivalent to B.A., f." N ligne "line, f." N limonade "carbonated citrus drink, f." N linguistique "linguistics, f." V lire to read N liste "list, f." N lit "bed, m." aller au lit: to go to bed N litre "liter, m." A littéraire literary N littérature "literature, f." N livraison des bagages "baggage pick up, f." N livre "book, m." N locomotive "locomotive, f." N logement "lodging, m." V loger to lodge N logeuse "landlady, f." N logique "logic, f." A logique logical O logiquement logically P loin (de) far N loisirs "leisure activities, m pl." N Londres "London, f." A long(ue) long O lorsque when V louer to rent N Louisiane "Louisiana, f." N loup "wolf, m." N loyer "rent, m." V lu past part. of lire O lui "him, to him, to her" lui-même: himself N lumière "light, f." N lundi "Monday, m." N lune "moon, f." N lunettes "glasses, f pl." N lycée "secondary school, m." A ma "my, f." N machine "machine, f." "mach. à écrire: typewriter, f." N maçon "mason, m." N Madame "madam, Mrs., f." N Mademoiselle "Miss, f." N magasin "store, m." N grand magasin "department store, m." N magazine "magazine, m." N magnétophone "tape recorder, m." N mai "May, m." A maigre thin V maigrir to lose weight N maillot "undershirt, m." N maillot de bain "swim suit, m." N maillot de corps "undershirt, m." N main "hand, f." O maintenant now V maintenir to maintain O mais but N maïs "corn, m." N maison "house, f." N maître "school teacher, m." "maître d'hôtel:head waiter, m" O mal badly N mal "ache, m." V avoir mal à la tête to have a headache A malade sick N maladie "illness, f." V manger to eat N manteau "overcoat, m." V se maquiller to put on make-up N "marchand, marchande" "merchant, m/f." N marchand de fruits "fruit grocer, m." N marchand de légumes "vegetable grocer, m." N marché market bon marché: inexpensive V marcher "to walk; to work, function (a machine)" N mardi "Tuesday, m." N mari "husband, m." N mariage "marriage, wedding, m." A marié(e) married V se marier to get married N marin "sailor, m." N marine "navy, f." A marron brown N mars "March, m." N Martinique "Martinique, f." N match "game, m." N mathématiques (maths) "mathematics, f pl." N matière "subject, f." N matin "morning, m." N matinée "morning, f." A mauvais(e) bad O me "me, to me" N mécanicien (mécanicienne) "mechanic, m/f." N médecin "doctor, m." N médecine "medicine, f." N médicament "drug, medication, m." A médiéval(e) medieval N Méditerranée "Mediterranean Sea, f." A meilleur(e) better le meilleur: best A même "same, even" N ménagère "housewife, f." V mener to lead N mensuel "monthly magazine, m." N menu "menu, m." N menuisier "carpenter, m." N mer "sea, f." O merci thank you N mercredi "Wednesday, m." N mère "mother, f." A merveilleux(-se) marvelous A mes (pl): my N message "message, m." N météo "weather report, f." N métier "job, occupation, m." N mètre "meter, m." N métro "subway, m." N metteur (-euse) en scène "film or play director, m/f." V mettre "to put (on), place" se mettre à: begin to N meuble "piece of furniture, m." A mexicain(e) Mexican N Mexique "Mexico, m." A "mi-temps, à-" "half-time, part-time" N micro(phone) "microphone, m." N midi "noon, m." midi et demi: half past twelve N Midi "Southern France, m." O mien(ne) mine O mieux better A mignon(ne) cute A mil thousand (in dates) N milieu "middle, m." au milieu (de): in the middle (of) A militaire military N militaire "military man, armed forces, m." A mille thousand N milliard "billion, m." N million "million, m." A mince thin N minuit "midnight, m." N minute "minute, f." V mis past part. of mettre N mixer "mixer, m." V mobilisé (être-) to be drafted A moche ugly (slang) A moderne modern O moi me moi-même: myself A moins less A au moins at least A le moins the least O moins le quart quarter to N mois "month, m." N moitié "half, f." N moment "moment, m." A mon "my, m." N monastère "monastery, f." N monde "world, m." N "moniteur, monitrice" "teaching assistant, m/f." N monnaie "change, f." N monsieur "sir, mister, m." N montagne "mountain, f." A montagneux(-se) mountainous V monter "to go up, get on" N montre "watch, f." N Montréal "Montreal, f." V montrer to show V se moquer de to make fun of N morceau "piece, m." V mort past part. of mourir N Moscou "Moscow, f." N mot "word, m." N mots croisés "crossword puzzle(s), m pl." N moto "motorcycle, f." V mourir to die N moustache "mustache, f." N moyen "way, means, m." N Moyen Orient "Middle East, m." N mur "wall, m." N musée "museum, m." N "musicien, musicienne" "musician, m/f." N musique "music, f." A mystérieux(-se) mysterious V nager to swim V naître to be born N nappe "table cloth, f." A natal(e) native N natation "swimming, f." N nation "nation, f." N nationalité "nationality, f." N nature "nature, f." A naturel(le) natural N "nautique, ski-" "water skiing, m." V né past part. of naître O ne...jamais never O ne...ni...ni "neither, nor" O ne...nulle part nowhere O ne...pas not n'est-ce pas?: isn't that so? O ne...personne "no one, nobody" O ne...plus "no longer, no more" O ne...que only O ne...rien "nothing, not anything" A nécessaire necessary N nécessité "necessity, f." A néerlandais(e) Dutch V négliger to neglect N neige "snow, f." V neiger to snow A nerveux(-se) nervous V nettoyer to clean A neuf nine A neuf(-ve) new A neuvième ninth N neveu "nephew, m." N nez "nose, m." O ni nor N nièce "niece, f." N Noël "Christmas, m." A noir(e) black A noisette "hazel, nut-brown" N nom "name, m." N nombre "number, m." A nombreux(-se) numerous O non "no, not" A nonante ninety (Belgian or Swiss) N nord "north, m." A normand(e) Norman N Normandie "Normandy, f." N Norvège "Norway, f." A norvégien(ne) Norwegian A nos (pl): our N note "grade, mark; note, f." A notre our O nôtre "ours, m/f." N nourriture "food, f." O nous "we, us" A "nouveau (nouvel, nouvelle)" "new, m/f." N nouvelle "news, f." N Nouvelle-Orléans "New orleans, f." N novembre "November, m." N nuage "cloud, m." N nuit "night, f." O nulle part nowhere N numéro "number, m." V obéir (à) to obey V obtenir "to obtain, get" V occuper to occupy V s'occuper de "to be busy with, to take care of" N océan "ocean, m." N octobre "October, m." N œil "eye, m." (pl): yeux N œuf "egg, m." N œuvre "work, f." V offert past part. of offrir N officier "officer, m." V offrir to offer N oignon "onion, m." N oiseau "bird, m." N omnibus "slow train, m." O on "one, people in general, we" N oncle "uncle, m." A onze eleven A onzième eleventh N opéra "opera, m." N "opérateur, opératrice" "operator, m/f." A optimiste optimistic N orage "storm, m." N orange "orange, f." N orangeade "orangeade, f." N orchestre "orchestra, m." A ordinaire ordinary N ordonnance "prescription, f." N ordre "order, m." N oreille "ear, f." N oreillons "mumps, m pl." V organiser to organize A original(e) original N orteil "toe, m." O où "where, when" O ou or V oublier to forget N ouest "west, m." O oui yes N outil "tool, m." "boîte à outils: tool box, f." O outre-mer overseas V ouvert past part. of ouvrir N "ouvrier, ouvrière" "worker, laborer, m/f." V ouvrir to open A pacifiste pacifist N pain "bread, m." N pain au chocolat chocolate croissant or sandwich A pair even (numbers) N paire "pair, f." N paix "peace, f." N palais "palace, m." A pâle pale V pâlir to become pale N pamplemousse "grapefruit, m." N panne "breakdown, f." A en panne "out of order, broken down" N pantalon "pair of pants, m." N papa "dad, daddy, m." N papeterie "stationery shop, f." N papier "paper, m." "papier à lettres: stationery, m." N Pâques "Easter, m." N paquet "package, m." P par "by, through" N parapluie "umbrella, m." N parc "park, m." "(- de stationnement): parking lot, m." O parce que because N pardessus "overcoat, m." O pardon! pardon me! N pare-brise "windshield, m." N pare-choc "bumper, m." N "parent, parente" "relative, m/f." N parents "parents, m pl." A paresseux(-se) lazy O parfaitement perfectly N parfum "perfume, m." A parisien(ne) Parisian N parking "parking lot, m." V parler to speak P parmi among O part (c'est de la part de qui?) who's calling? N parti "political party, m." V participer (à) to participate N partie "part, f." N faire partie de "to belong to, be a part of" V partir to leave "à partir de: from, since" O pas not pas mal: not bad A passé(e) past la semaine passée: last week N passeport "passport, m." V passer "to pass (by), spend" V se passer "to happen, take place" N pâté "pâté, m." N pâté de foie de canard "duck liver pâté, m." N patience "patience, f." A patient(e) patient N patinage "ice-skating, m." N pâtisserie "pastry shop, f." N pâtisseries "pastries, f pl." N pâtissier (pâtissière) "pastry cook, m/f." N patrie "native land, f." N patron "boss, m." A pauvre "poor, unfortunate" V payer to pay (for) N pays "country, m." N Pays-Bas "Netherlands, m pl." N Pays de Galles "Wales, m." N paysage "landscape, countryside, m." N pêche "fishing, f." N pêcheur "fisherman, m." N peigne "comb, m." V peigner to comb V se peigner to comb one's hair V peindre to paint V peint past part. of peindre N peintre "painter, m." N peinture "painting, paint, f." N pellicule "roll of film, f." P pendant during pendant que: while V "penser (à, de)" to think N Pentecôte "Pentecost, f." V perdre to lose N père "father, m." N periodique "periodical, m." V "permettre (à, de)" "to permit, allow" V permis past part. of permettre N permis de conduire "driver's license, m." N personnalité "personality, f." N personne "person, f." N personnel "personnel, staff, m." A pessimiste pessimistic A petit(e) "small, little, short" N petit-fils "grandson, m." N petite-fille "granddaughter, f." A peu little N peu "little bit, m." N peuple "people (nation), m." V "peur (de), avoir-" "to be afraid of, fear someone/thing" O peut-être perhaps N phare "headlight, m." N pharmacie "pharmacy, f." N pharmacien (pharmacienne) "pharmacist, m/f." N philosophie "philosophy, f." N photo "photograph, f." N photographe "photographer, m." N photographie "photography, photograph, f." N phrase "sentence, f." N physiologie "physiology, f." N physique "physical appearance, m." N physique "physics, f." N piano "piano, m." N pièce "room, f." pièce de théâtre: play N pied "foot, m." à pied: on foot N pilote "pilot, m." N pinceau "artist's paint brush, m." N pipe "pipe, f." N pique-nique "picnic, m." N piqûre "injection, f." A pire "worse, worst" N piscine "swimming pool, f." N piste "runway, f." N pizza "pizza, f." N place "square, place, position, f." V placer to place N plage "beach, f." V plaindre to pity se plaindre: to complain V plaint past part. of plaindre V plaire (à) to please V "s'il vous plaît, s'il te plaît" please V plaisanter to joke N plat "dish, plate, m." A plat(e) flat à plat: flat (tire) N plâtre "plaster cast, m." A plein(e) full O en plein air outdoor(s) N à plein temps full-time V pleurer to cry V pleuvoir to rain N plombier "plumber, m." N "plongeur, plongeuse" dishwasher (person) V plu past part. of pleuvoir and plaire N pluie "rain, f." N plupart "most, f." A plus more A plusieurs "several, some" O plutôt rather N pneu "tire, m." "pneu à plat: flat tire, m." N poche "pocket, f." N poêle "frying pan, f." N poème "poem, m." N poésie "poetry, f." N poète "poet, m." N poignet "wrist, m." N point "point, period, m." N poire "pear, f." N pois (petits-) "peas, m pl." N poisson "fish, m." N poissonnerie "fish market, f." N poitrine "chest, f." N poivre "pepper, m." N poker "poker (card game), m." A poli(e) polite N police "police, f." O poliment politely N pomme "apple, f." "pomme de terre: potato, f." N population "population, f." N porc "pork, m." N port "port, m." N porte "door, gate, f." N portefeuille "wallet, m." V porter "to wear, carry" N portière "car door, f." N portrait "portrait, m." A portugais(e) Portuguese N Portugal "Portugal, m." V poser (des questions) to ask (questions) V posséder to possess A possible possible N poste "post office, f." N potage "soup, m." N pouce "thumb, m." N poulet "chicken, m." N poumon "lung, m." O pour "for, in order to" O pourquoi why O pourtant however V pouvoir to be able A pratique practical V pratiquer to practice V préférer to prefer A premier(-ière) first V prendre to take N prénom "first name, m." N préparatifs "preparations, m pl." V préparer to prepare P près (de) "near, close to" V présenter to introduce O je te présente Marc this is Mark O presque nearly N presse "press, f." A prêt(e) ready V prêter to lend V prévenir to warn N prévision "forecast, f." N printemps "spring, m." V pris past part. of prendre N prisonnier "prisoner, m." N prix "price, prize, m." O probablement probably N problème "problem, m." A prochain(e) "near, close" N producteur "producer, m." V produire to produce N produit "product, m." N professeur "professor, teacher, m." N profession "profession, f." V profiter de "to profit, to take advantage of" A profond(e) profound N profondeur "depth, f." N programme "program, m." N programme de variétés "variety show, m." N projecteur "projector, m." N projet "project, m." N promenade "walk, f." V faire une promenade to go for a walk V promener to take for a walk V se promener to go for a walk V "promettre (à, de)" to promise V promis past part. of promettre O à propos by the way V "proposer (à, de)" to propose A propre clean V protéger to protect A prudent(e) prudent N psycho(logie) "psychology, f." V pu past part. of pouvoir A public(-que) public N publicité "publicity, commercial, f." O puis then N pull-over "sweater, m." V punir to punish N quai "embankment, platform, gate, m." N qualité "quality, f." O quand when A quarante forty N quart "quarter, m." N quartier "area, neighborhood, m." A quatorze fourteen A quatre four A quatre-vingts eighty A quatre-vingt-dix ninety N quatuor "quartet, m." O que (qu') "that, than" O que "(pron): whom, that, which, what" N Québec "Quebec, m." A "quel (quels, quelle, quelles)" "what, which" O quelle heure est-il? what time is it? O quel temps fait-il? what's the weather like? A quelque "some, any" O quelque chose something O quelquefois sometimes O "quelqu'un, quelqu'une" "someone, m/f." O quelques-uns "some (of them), m pl." O qu'est-ce qui? what? N question "question, f." N queue "tail, line, f." O qui who O qui est-ce que? whom? N quiche "quiche, f." A quinze fifteen V quitter to leave O quoi "which, what" A quotidien(ne) daily V raconter to tell N radiateur "radiator, m." N radio "radio, f." "radio-réveil: clock radio, f." V "raison, avoir-" to be right A raisonnable reasonable V ralentir to slow down V ramasser to gather together N randonnée "outing, excursion, f." A rapide fast N rapide "fast train, m." O rapidement rapidly V rappeler to call again se rappeler: to remember O rarement rarely V se raser to shave (oneself) N rasoir "razor, m." V rater "to fail, miss" N rayon "department (of a shop), m." V réaliser "to realize, carry out" A réaliste realistic O "rebours, à-" backwards N récepteur "receiver, m." V recevoir to receive N réchaud "hot plate, m." "réchaud à gaz: gas stove, m." N récit "narration, m." A recommandé(e) certified V reconnaître to recognize V reçu past part. of recevoir V réduire to reduce V réfléchir (à) to think (about) N réfrigérateur (frigo) "refrigerator, m." V refuser to refuse V regarder to look at N région "region, f." N règle "ruler, f." V se réhabituer (a) to reaccustom oneself (to) V rejoindre "to rejoin, meet up with" V rejoint past part. of rejoindre A remarquable remarkable V remarquer to notice V remercier to thank V remettre to put back V remonter to go up again V remplir to fill N rémunération "remuneration, f." N Renaissance "Renaissance, f." N renard "fox, m." N rencontre "meeting, f." V rencontrer to meet N rendez-vous "meeting, m." V se rendormir to go back to sleep V rendre to give back V rendre furieux to make someone furious V rendre visite à to visit someone N renseignements "information, m pl." V renseigner to inform V rentrée "return, f." V renverser to spill V réparer to repair N repas "meal, m." V répéter to repeat V répondre (à) to answer N répondeur (automatique) "answering machine, m." N réponse "answer, f." N reportage "newspaper story, m." V reposer to put back "se reposer: to rest, relax" V reprendre to take back N représentant "sales representative, m." N république "republic, f." N réservation "reservation, f." V réserver to reserve V ressembler à to resemble N restaurant "restaurant, m." N reste "remainder, the rest, m." V rester "to remain, stay" O "retard, en-" late V retenir "to reserve, hold" N retour "return, m." V retourner to return N réunion "reunion, meeting, f." V réussir (à) to succeed (at) N rêve "dream, m." N réveil "waking, awakening, m." N réveille-matin "alarm clock, m." V réveiller to awaken (someone) V se réveiller to wake up V revenir to come back V revenu past part. of revenir V rêver (de) to dream N rez-de-chaussée "ground floor, m." N rhum "rum, m." N rhume "cold, m." A riche "rich, wealthy" N rideau "curtain, m." O rien nothing de rien: you're welcome V rire (de) to laugh (at) V risquer to risk N rivière "river, f." N robe "dress, f." N rock "rock music, m." N rôle "role, part, m." N roman "novel, m." roman policier: mystery novel N romancier (romancière) "novelist, m/f." N rosbif "roast beef, m." N rose "rose, f." N rôti "roast, m." "rôti de porc: roast pork, m." N roue "wheel, f." "roue de secours: spare tire, f." A rouge red N rougeole "measles, f." V rougir to blush N route "route, way, f." en route: on the way N "routière, carte-" "road map, f." N routine "routine, f." A roux(-sse) red-headed N rubrique "column, f." N rubrique sportive "sports section, f." N rue "street, f." N ruine "ruin, f." A russe Russian N Russie "Russia, f." A sa "his, her, f." N sac "sack, bag, m." A sage "wise, well-behaved" A saignant(e) rare (meat) N Saint-Sylvestre "New Year's Eve, f." N saison "season, f." N salade verte "green salad, f." A sale "dirty, soiled" N salle "room, f." N salle à manger "dining room, f." N salle d'attente "waiting room, f." N salle de bains "bathroom, f." N salle de séjour "living room, f." N salle des bagages "baggage room, f." N salon de coiffure "barber or beauty shop, m." O salut "hello, hi, goodbye" N salutations "greetings, f pl." N samedi "Saturday, m." N sandwich "sandwich, m." N sandwich au jambon "ham sandwich, m." P sans without N santé "health, f." N satire "satire, f." N saucisson "dry sausage, m." A sauvage wild N "savant, savante" "scientist, m/f." V savoir to know (how) N savon "soap, m." N saxophone "saxophone, m." N scène "scene, stage, f." N science "science, f." N "sculpteur, sculptrice" "sculptor, m/f." N sculpture "sculpture, f." O se (s') oneself A secondaire secondary N seconde "second, f." N secrétaire "secretary, m/f." N sécurité "security, f." A seize sixteen N sel "salt, m." N semaine "week, f." N Sénégal "Senegal, m." N sens "sense, meaning, m." A sensationnel(le) sensational A sensible sensitive A sensuel(le) sensual N sentier "path, m." N sentiment "feeling, m." A sentimental(e) sentimental V sentir "to feel, touch, smell" V se sentir to feel (health or emotion) A sept seven N septembre "September, m." A sérieux(-se) serious N "serveur, serveuse" "waiter, waitress, m/f." N service "service, m." N serviette "napkin, f." "serviette de toilette: towel, f." V servir "to serve, wait on" A ses "his, her, (pl)" A seul(e) alone O seulement only N shopping "shopping, m." faire du shopping: to shop N short "shorts, m." O si "if, whether" O si yes N siècle "century, m." N siège "seat, m." O sien(ne) "his, hers, m/f." N sieste "siesta, f." V signaler to signal V signer to sign A silencieux(-se) silent A simple simple A sincère sincere O sincèrement sincerely N site "site, m." V situer "to place, locate" A six six N ski "skiing, m." N faire du ski to ski N faire du ski nautique to water ski N slip "panties, underwear, m." N slow "slow dance, m." A social(e) social N société "society, association, f." N sociologie "sociology, f." N sœur "sister, f." V "soif, avoir" to be thirsty V soigner to take care of V se soigner to take care of oneself N soir "evening, m." N soirée "evening (duration), party, f." A soixante sixty A soixante-dix seventy N soldat "soldier, m." N soleil "sun, m." O il fait du soleil the weather is sunny V "sommeil, avoir" to be sleepy N sommelier "wine waiter, m." A son "his, her, its, m." N son "sound, m." V sonner to ring N soprano "soprano, m/f." N sorte "kind, f." N sortie "exit, evening out, f." V sortir "to go out, exit" N soucoupe "saucer, f." V souffert past part. of souffrir V souffrir to suffer N soupe "soup, f." V souper to have supper N source "spring, f." A souriant(e) "smiling, cheerful" P sous under N sous-titre "subtitle, m." N sous-vêtements "underwear, m pl." N soutien-gorge "brassiere, m." V se souvenir de to remember O souvent often N spectateur (spectatrice) "spectator, m/f." A spirituel(le) "spiritual, witty" N sport "sports, m." A sportif(-ve) "athletic, pertaining to sports" N stade "stadium, m." N star "movie star, f." N station "station, f." N station-service "service station, f." N stationnement "parking, m." N statue "statue, f." N (sténo)dactylo "shorthand typist, f." V "stop, faire du" to hitchhike N studio "studio, efficiency apartment, m." N stylo "pen, m." V su past part. of savoir N sucre "sugar, m." N sud "south, m." N Suède "Sweden, f." A suédois(e) Swedish O suffisamment "sufficiently, enough" V suggérer to suggest N Suisse "Switzerland, f." A suisse Swiss V suivre "to follow, take (courses)" N sujet "subject, m." N super "premium, high-test gas, m." N superficie "area, surface, f." A supérieur(e) higher N supermarché "supermarket, m." N supplément "supplement, m." P sur on A sûr(e) sure A surqualifié(e) overqualified O surtout especially N suspense "suspense, f." A plein(e) de suspense suspenseful A sympathique (sympa) "likeable, nice" A symphonique symphonic N symptôme "symptom, m." N système "system, m." A ta "your, f." N tabac "tobacco, m." N bureau de tabac "tobacco shop, m." N table "table, f." N tableau "painting, m." "tableau noir: blackboard, m." N tabouret "stool, m." A tahitien(ne) Tahitian N taille "size (clothing), f." N de taille moyenne "average size, f." N tambour "drum, m." O tant so much N tante "aunt, f." V taper to type N tapis "carpet, rug, m." V taquiner to tease O tard late N tarte "pie, f." N tartine "slice of bread and butter, f." N tas "pile, lot, m." N tasse "cup, f." N taxi "taxi, m." O te (t') "you, to you" N tee-shirt "teeshirt, m." N télé(vision) "television, TV set, f." N télégramme "telegram, m." N téléphone "telephone, m." N cabine téléphonique "telephone booth, f." V donner un coup de téléphone to make a phone call V téléphoner (à) to (tele)phone O tellement "so, so much" N température "temperature, f." A temporaire temporary N temps "weather, time, m." O de temps en temps from time to time A à temps partiel part-time A tendre tender V tenir to hold N tennis "tennis, m." A tentant(e) tempting N tente "tent, f." V terminer to end N terrasse "terrace, f." N territoire "territory, m." A tes "your, (pl)" N thé "tea, m." N théâtre "theater, m." "pièce de théâre: play, f." N thon "tuna, m." N ticket "ticket, m." O tien(ne) "yours, m/f." N timbre "stamp, m." A timide "timid, shy" O timidement timidly N tiroir "drawer, m." N titre "title, m." O toi you toi-même: yourself N toile "canvas, f." V toilette (faire sa) to wash up and get dressed N tomate "tomato, f." V tomber to fall tomber en panne: to break down A ton "your, m." N tonalité "dial tone, f." V "tort, avoir" to be wrong O tôt early O toujours always N tour "tower, f." "Tour Eiffel: Eiffel Tower, f." N touriste "tourist, m/f." N tourne-disques "record player, m." N tournedos "fillet steak, m." V tourner to turn A "tout (tous, toute, toutes)" "all, every" O tous les jours every day O tout le monde every one O toute la journée all day long N traduction "translation, f." V traduire to translate V traduit past part. of traduire N tragédie "tragedy, f." N train "train, m." V traiter (de) "to treat, deal with" N tranche "slice, f." N transistor "transistor radio, m." V transmettre to transmit V transpirer to perspire N transport "transport, m." N travail "work, m." V travailler to work A travailleur(-se) hard-working V traverser to cross A treize thirteen A trente thirty O très very N trictrac "backgammon, m." N trio "trio, m." N tripe "tripe, f." A triste "sad, unhappy" A trois three N trombone "trombone, m." V se tromper to be mistaken N trompette "trumpet, f." O trop too much V trouver to find V se trouver "to be located, exist, be" N truffe "truffle, f." A truffé(e) stuffed with truffles O tu you V tuer to kill N tunnel "tunnel, m." A typique typical O un(e) "one, a (an)" N université "university, f." A urgent(e) urgent N usine "factory, f." N ustensile "utensil, m." A utile useful V utiliser "to use, employ" N vacances "vacation, holidays, f pl." O en vacances on vacation V vaincre to conquer N vaisselle "dishes, f." V faire la vaisselle to do the dishes N valise "suitcase, f." N vallée "valley, f." V valoir to be worth il vaut mieux: it is better (to) N valse "waltz, f." V valu past part. of valoir A variable "variable, changeable" V varier to vary N variété "variety, diversity, f." V vécu past part. of vivre N vedette "actress, star, f." N vélo "bike, m." N vélomoteur "motorbike, m." N "vendeur, vendeuse" "salesperson, m/f." V vendre to sell N vendredi "Friday, m." V venir to come V venir de + inf. to have just (done something) N vent "wind, m." V venu past part. of venir N verglas "sleet, glazed frost, m." V vérifier to verify N verre "glass, m." P vers "to, toward, about" V verser to pour N veste "jacket, f." N vêtements "clothes, m pl." N sous-vêtements "underwear, m pl." N veuf "widower, m." N veuve "widow, f." N viande "meat, f." N vie "life, f." V vieillir "to grow old, age" N Vienne "Vienna, f." A "vieux (vieil), vieille" old N villa "villa, f." N village "village, m." N ville "city, f." N vin "wine, m." A vingt twenty N vingtaine "about twenty, f." A violent(e) violent A violet(te) "violet, purple" N violon "violin, m." N violoncelle "cello, m." N violoncelliste "cellist, m/f." N violoniste "violinist, m/f." N visage "face, m." V "visite, rendre-à" to visit someone V visiter to visit a place O vite fast N vitesse "speed, f." V vivre to live V voici "here is, here are" N voie "track, way, f." V voilà "there is, there are" V "voile, faire de la-" to sail V voir to see A voisin(e) neighboring N "voisin, voisine" "neighbor, m/f." N voiture "car, vehicle, f." N voix "voice, f." N vol "flight, m." N volant "steering wheel, m." V au volant "driving, behind the steering wheel" A vos "your, (pl)" A votre your O vôtre "yours, m/f." V vouloir "to want, desire" V vouloir bien to be willing V vouloir dire to mean V voulu past part. of vouloir O vous you O vous-même yourself O vous-mêmes yourselves N voyage "trip, m." V voyager to travel A vrai(e) true O vraiment truly V vu past part. of voir N wagon "train car, m." N wagon-lit "sleeping car, m." N wagon-restaurant "dining car, m." N WC "toilet, m." N week-end "weekend, m." N western "western (film), m." O y there N "yahourt, yaourt" "yogurt, m." N Zaïre "Zaire, m." N zéro "zero, m." N zone "zone, f." N zoologie "zoology, f." O zut! darn!