P a "to, toward" a la(s) + time: at + time 1 N aspiradora "vacuum cleaner, f." pasar la aspiradora: to vacuum 16 N atención "attention, f." 99 N atleta "athlete, m/f." 15 N atraso "delay, m." 99 N audífono "headphone, m." 99 V aumentar "to increase, raise" 17 O aún "still, even" 13 O aunque although 16 N autobús "bus, m." 3 V abandonar to abandon 99 N abogado/a "lawyer, m/f." 7 N aborto "abortion, m." 13 N abrazo "embrace, m." 99 N abril "April, m." 3 V abrir to open 13 N abuela "grandmother, f." 6 N abuelo "grandfather, m." 6 N abuelos "grandparents, grandfathers, m." 6 A aburrido/a "boring, bored" 5 V accidente "accident, m." 11 V aceptar to accept 5 P acerca de "concerning, about" 10 V acompañar to accompany 7 V aconsejar to advise 14 N acosamiento "harassment, m." 17 V acostarse to go to bed (ue) 9 N actividad "activity, f." 9 N acto "act, m." 99 N actriz "actress, f." 99 A actual "present, present-day" 12 V actuar to act 11 N acuerdo "agreement, m." estar de acuerdo: to agree 5 V adelgazar to become thin or slender 99 O además "besides, moreover" 99 O adiós good-bye 1 V adivinar to guess 99 N adjetivo "adjective, m." 99 A administrativo/a administrative 18 V admirar to admire 7 O adónde to where 5 N adopción "adoption, f." 99 V adorar to adore 7 N aeróbicos "aerobics, m." 14 N aeropuerto "airport, m." 3 V afeitarse to shave 9 N aficionado/a "fan, m/f." 7 N agencia de viajes travel agency "agencia, f., viajes, m." 3 N agente "agent, m/f." 3 A ágil agile 15 N agosto "August, m." 3 A agradable agreeable 16 N agua "water, f." agua con gas: carbonated; agua sin gas: noncarbonated 4 N aguacate "avocado, m." 8 V aguantar to endure 14 O ahí there 99 O ahora now 6 V ahorrar to save 17 N aire "air, m." al aire libre: in the open (air) 13 A aislado/a isolated 99 N ají "chili pepper, m." 8 O al (a + el) "to the + masculine, sing., noun" 3 O al ajillo with garlic 99 N alarma "alarm, f." 99 N ala "wing, f." 99 N albaricoque "apricot, m." 8 N alcalde "mayor, m/f." 17 N 5 alcoba "bedroom, f." 99 N "alemán, alemana" "German, m/f." 4 N auxilio "help, m." primeros auxilios: first aid 11 N alfombra "carpet, rug, f." 6 O algo something 3 N algodón "cotton, m." 4 O alguien someone 7 O alguno/a "some, any" alguna vez: sometime 11 N alimento "food, nourishment, m." 99 N alma "soul, f." 99 N almacén "department store, m. " 4 V almorzar to have lunch (ue) 4 N almuerzo "lunch, m." 8 O aló hello 2 N alojamiento "lodging, m." 99 V alojarse "to stay, lodge" 13 V alquilar to rent 6 N alquiler "rent, m." 4 O alrededor de around 99 N altiplano "highlands, m." 99 A alto/a tall 4 N altura "height, altitude, f." 99 N alumno/a "student, m/f." 99 O allá "over there, there" 99 O allí there 5 A amable "kind, amiable" 7 V amar to love 7 A amarillo/a yellow 4 N ambiente "environment, atmosphere, m." 16 O ambos/as both 99 N ambulancia "ambulance, f. " 11 N amistad "friendship, f." 99 N ave "bird, f." aves: poultry 8 N amor "love, m." 5 A amueblado/a furnished 6 N análisis "analysis, m." 14 A anaranjado/a orange 4 N anciano/a "older person, m/f." 17 V andar to walk 3 N animal "animal, m." animal doméstico: pet 6 N aniversario "anniversary, m." 99 O anoche last night 10 A anormal abnormal 14 N anteojos "eyeglasses, m." 13 A anterior previous 99 O antes (de) before antes (de) que: before 9 V anticipar to anticipate 99 A antipático/a "disagreeable, unpleasant" 4 N antropología "anthropology, f." 99 A anual "annual, yearly" 14 V anunciar to announce 99 N anuncio "advertisement, announcement, m." 3 N año "year, m." 4 V apagar to turn off 9 N aparato "apparatus, m." 99 V aparecer "to appear, seem" 10 N apariencia "appearance, f." 99 N apartamento "apartment, m." 6 N apellido "last name, m." 99 O apenas "scarcely, hardly" 99 N apoyo "support, backing, m." 17 V aprender to learn 99 V apretar to press (ie) 12 V aprobar "to approve, pass" (ue) 99 N apunte "note, m." 99 O ¡Apúrese! Hurry up! 3 O aquí here 5 N árabe "Arabic, m/f." 4 N árbitro "umpire, referee, m." 15 N argumento "argument, m." 99 N arma "arm, weapon, f." 99 N arqueólogo/a "archaeologist, m/f." 99 N arquitecto/a "architect, m/f." 18 N arquitectura "architecture, f." 99 N arte "art, m." 15 N artículo "article, m." 11 N artista "artist, m/f." 99 V arrancar to start (a car) 12 V arreglar to fix 10 V arrendar to rent (ie) 99 V arrestar to arrest 10 O arriba above 99 N arroz "rice, m." 8 A arruinado/a ruined 11 A asado/a roasted 8 N ascenso "promotion, m." 18 A asegurado/a insured 11 A asesinado/a assassinated 11 V asesinar to assassinate 10 N asesino/a "assassin, murderer, m/f." 10 O así "so, thus" "Así, así: So, so." 1 N asistente "assistant, m/f." 99 N asociación "association, f." 99 A laboral (pertaining to) labor 18 N aspirina "aspirin, f." 13 V atacar to attack 11 N ataque "attack, m." ataque al corazón: heart attack 14 N avión "airplane, m." 3 N aviso "notice, m." 10 O ay sigh 99 O ayer yesterday 10 N ayuda "help, f." 17 N ayudante "helper, assistant, m/f." 10 N azafata "stewardess, f." 3 N azúcar "sugar, m." 8 A azul blue 4 V bailar to dance 5 N baile "dance, m." 5 V bajar "to get off, go down" 3 A bajo/a short 4 N baloncesto "basketball, m." 10 N banco "bank, m." 2 N banda "band, f." 12 V bañarse "to bathe, wash oneself" 9 N baño "bathroom, m." 2 A barato/a inexpensive 6 N barrio "suburb, neighborhood, m." 99 A básico/a basic 99 N básquetbol "basketball, m. " 15 A bastante "enough, quite" 12 N basura "garbage, trash, f." 16 N bate "bat, m." 15 N bateador/a "batter, m/f." 15 N bebé "baby, m/f." 99 V beber to drink 3 N bebida "drink, f." 2 N béisbol "baseball, m." 7 N belleza "beauty, f." 99 N beneficio "benefit, m." 99 N biblioteca "library, f." 7 N bicicleta "bicycle, f." 11 N bien "fine, m." "adv: well, good; muy bien: fine" 1 N biografía "biogrophy, f." 18 N bistec "steak, m." 8 A blanco/a white 4 N blusa "blouse, f." 2 N boca "mouth, f." 14 N bocadillo "snack, m." 99 N boda "wedding, f." 16 N boleto "ticket, m." 3 N bolsa "stock market, f." 17 N bolso "purse, m." 11 N bomba "bomb, f." 10 N bombero/a "firefighter, m/f." 11 N bombón "bonbon, chocolate, m." 7 A bonito/a pretty 4 A borracho/a drunk 5 N bota "boot, f." "bota de goma: rubber boot, galosh" 4 N botella "bottle, f." 7 N botón "button, key, m." 12 N boxeador "boxer, m." 15 N boxeo "boxing, m." 15 A brasileño/a Brazilian 99 N brazo "arm, m." 14 N bronceador "suntan oil, m." 2 A bueno/a good "Buenas noches.: Good evening., Good night." 1 N bufanda "scarf, f." 9 V buscar to look for 2 N caballo "horse, m." 99 N cabeza "head, f." 14 N cable "cable, wire, m." 12 A cada "each, every" 4 V caerse "to fall, fall down" 15 N cajero/a "cashier, m/f." 17 N calamar "squid, m." 8 N calcetín "sock, m." 2 N calendario "calendar, m." 99 A caliente hot 8 A calma calm con calma: calmly 11 A calmado/a calm 11 V calmarse to calm down 11 N caloría "calorie, f." 99 N calle "street, f." 6 N cama "bed, f." 2 N camarera "waitress, f." 8 N camarero "waiter, m." 8 N camarón "shrimp, m." 8 V cambiar to change 3 N cambio "change, m." 16 V caminar to walk 3 N camisa "shirt, f." 2 N camiseta "tee shirt, f." 2 N campeonato "championship, m." 10 N campesino/a "farmer, peasant, m/f." 99 N campo "field (of specialization), m." 18 V cancelar to cancel 3 N cáncer "cancer, m." 14 N canción "song, f." 99 N candidato/a "candidate, m/f." 10 N cangrejo "crab, m." 8 A canoso/a "grey-haired, white-haired" 4 A cansado/a tired 5 N cantante "singer, m/f." 99 V cantar to sing 5 N capa "cape, f." 15 N capacidad "capacity, f." 99 N capital "capital, f." 1 N capitán "captain, m." 99 N capítulo "chapter, m." 99 N cara "face, f." 99 N característica "characteristic, f." 99 O ¡Caramba! Confound it! 9 V cargar to load 99 N cariño "love, affection, m." 99 N carne "meat, f." carne de cerdo/puerco: pork; carne de res: beef 8 N carnicería "butcher shop, f." 9 A caro/a expensive 6 N carta "letter, f." 3 N cartera "billfold, wallet, f." 11 N carrera "career, f." 16 N carretera "highway, f." 11 N carro "car, m." 2 N casa "home, house, f." 5 N casete "cassette, m." 5 O casi "almost, nearly" 99 N caso "case, m." en caso (de) que: in case 16 A castaño/a chestnut 4 A castellano/a "Castillian, Spanish" 99 N casualidad "chance, f." 99 N categoría "category, f." 16 N causa "cause, f." 99 V causar to cause 13 N cazador/a "hunter, m/f." 99 N cebolla "onion, f." 8 V celebrar to celebrate 5 N cena "supper, f." 8 V cenar "to eat supper, to dine" 7 N centavo "cent, m." 99 N centígrado "centigrade, m." 99 N centro "downtown, m." 6 N cepillo "brush, m." 2 N ceremonia "ceremony, f." 16 N certeza "certainty, f." 99 N cerveza "beer, f." 3 V cerrar to close (ie) 4 A ciego/a blind 99 N cielo "sky, heaven, m." 9 N ciencia "science, f." 99 A cierto/a "certain, true" 99 N cigarrillo "cigarette, m." 7 N címbalo "cymbal, m." 12 N cine "movie theater, m." 7 N cintura "waist, f." 14 N ciruela "plum, f." 8 N cita "date, appointment, f." 7 N ciudad "city, f." 10 N ciudadano/a "citizen, m/f." 17 N civilización "civilization, f." 13 N clarinete "clarinet, m." 12 A claro/a "clear, light" ¡Claro!: Of course! 7 A clásico/a classic 7 N clasificados "classified ads, m." 10 N clavel "carnation, m." 7 N clima "climate, m." 9 N clínica "clinic, f." 11 V cobrar to charge cobrar un cheque: to cash a check 9 N cocina "kitchen, f." 5 V cocinar to cook 8 N cocinero/a "cook, m/f." 18 N coche "car, m." 2 N codo "elbow, m." 14 N cognado "cognate, m." 99 N col "cabbage, g." 8 N colegio "school, m." 7 N colesterol "cholesterol, m." 14 N color "color, m." 4 A colorado/a red 4 N comedor "dining room, m." 5 V comentar to comment on 99 N comentario "comment, commentary, m." 99 V comenzar "to commence, begin" (ie) 7 V comer to eat 3 N comercio "commerce, trade, m." 99 N comida "food, meal, f." 5 O como like "¿Cómo?: How?, What?; ¡Cómo no!: Of course!" 1 A cómodo/a comfortable 6 N compañero/a "companion, m/f." compañero/a de cuarto: roommate 6 N compañía "company, f." 17 V compartir to share 16 N competencia "competition, f." 15 A competente competent 10 A competitivo/a competitive 15 A completo/a complete 16 A complicado complicated 99 V comprar to buy 2 N computadora "computer, f." 12 A común common sentido común: common sense 15 N comunicación "communication, f." 99 V comunicar to communicate 10 N comunidad "community, f." 99 P con with con frecuencia: frequently; con tal (de) que: provided (th 56 N concejal "councilman, alderman, m." 99 N conciencia "conscience, f." 99 N concierto "concert, m." 7 N conclusión "conclusion, f." 99 N concurso "contest, m." 99 N conde "count, m." 99 N condición "condition, f." 6 N condimento "condiment, m." 8 N condominio "condominium, m." 10 V conducir to drive 11 N conferencia "conference, meeting, f." 99 V confirmar to confirm 3 N conflicto "conflict, m." 99 A congelado/a "frozen, cold" 9 N congestión "congestion, f." 18 O conmigo with me 5 V conocer "to know, be acquainted with" 5 V conseguir "to get, obtain" "(i, i)" 7 N consejero/a "advisor, m/f." 18 N consejo "advice, m." 14 V consolar to console (ue) 17 O constantemente constantly 99 N construcción "construction, f." 99 V construir to construct 17 N consultorio "doctor's office, clinic, m." 99 N contabilidad "accounting, bookkeeping, f." 18 N contador/a "accountant, bookkeeper, m/f." 18 N contaminación "pollution, f." 9 V contar to tell (a story) (ue) 13 A contento/a happy 5 V contestar to answer 2 N contexto "context, m." 99 N continuación "continuation, f." 99 O continuamente "continually, continuously" 12 P contra against 10 A contrario contrary al contrario: on the contrary 15 N contrato "contract, m." 16 V contribuir to contribute 18 V controlar to control 14 N convento "convent, m." 99 N conversación "conversation, f." 99 V convertir to convert (ie i) 99 A cooperativa cooperative 99 V coordinar to coordinate 17 N copa "(wine)glass, f." 8 N corazón "heart, m." 7 N corbata "tie, f." 2 N cordillera "mountain range, f." 99 N coronel "colonel, m." 99 A cortés courteous 11 O cortésmente courteously 11 A corto/a short 4 A correcto/a correct 99 N correo "mail, post office, m." 99 V correr to run 3 N corrida "bullfight, f." 15 N corriente "current, electricity, f." 11 N cosa "thing, f." 2 V costar to cost (ue) 99 N costo "cost, m." 99 N costumbre "custom, f." 99 V crear to create 99 N crédito "credit, m." 99 V creer to believe 13 N crema "cream, f." 8 A crítico/a critical "critic, m/f." 99 A cronológico/a chronological 18 A cruel cruel 15 N cuaderno "notebook, m." 99 N cuadra "block, f." 9 O ¿Cuál(es)? "What?, Which one(s)?" 2 A cualquier any 99 O cuando when 16 O ¿Cuándo? When? 5 O ¿Cuánto/a? How much? en cuanto: as soon as 26 O ¿Cuántos/as? How many? 2 N cuarto "room, m." 2 A cubano/a Cuban 99 N cubierto "table service, m." 8 N cuchara "spoon, f." 8 N cuchillo "knife, m." 8 N cuello "neck, m." 14 N cuento "bill, check, m." 2 N cuerpo "body, m." 14 A cuidadoso/a "careful, watchful" 11 V cuidar "to care for, take care of" 13 A culpable "guilty, to blame" 11 N cultura "culture, f." 99 N cumbre "summit, top, f." 99 N cumpleaños "birthday, m. (s/pl)" 3 N cuñada "sister-in-law, f." 16 N cuñado "brother-in-law, m." 16 N curso "course, m." 99 N cursor "cursor, m." 12 N champán "champagne, m." 99 N champú "shampoo, m." 13 O Chao. Bye. 1 N chaqueta "jacket, f." 2 V charlar to chat 12 N cheque "check, m." cheque de viajero: traveler's check 2 N chica "girl, f." 4 N chico "boy, m." 4 N chile "chili pepper, m." 8 A chileno/a Chilean 99 A chino/a Chinese 4 N chisme "gossip, m." 99 V chocar to collide 11 N chófer "chauffeur, driver, m/f." 99 N chorizo "sausage, m." 99 V dar to give 6 N dato "fact, m." 99 P de "from, of, about" de ida: one-way; de ida y vuelta: round-trip 21 P debajo de under 6 N debate "debate, m." 10 V deber "ought, must, to owe" "deber + inf: must, have to, ought to, should" 5 N decano/a "dean, m/f." 99 V decidir to decide 6 V decir "to say, tell" ¿Diga?: May I help you? (i) 2 N decisión "decision, f." tomar una decisión: to make a decision 106 N declaración "declaration, f." 99 V decorar to decorate 5 N decreto "decree, m." 99 N dedo "finger, m." 14 V defender to defend (ie) 12 V dejar to leave behind dejar (de) + inf: to stop 12 O del (de + el) of/from the + m s n 3 P delante de in front of 6 A delgado/a "thin, slender" 4 A delicado/a delicate 7 A delicioso/a delicious 8 N demanda "claim, lawsuit, f." 17 V demandar "to demand, sue" 99 A demás "others, rest" 99 O demasiado too much too many -adj. 6 N demócrata "democrat, m/f." 10 P dentro de "inside, within" 99 N departamento "department, apartment, m." 99 V depender (de) to depend (on) 18 N deporte "sport, m." 7 N depresión "depression, f." 14 V deprimirse to become depressed 14 A derecho/a right "a la derecha: to the right; derecho (m) (legal): right, p" 60 N derrota "defeat, f." 15 V derrotar to defeat 15 O desafortunadamente unfortunately 12 N desastre "disaster, m." 6 V desayunar to eat breakfast 9 V descansar to rest 2 N desayuno "breakfast, m." 8 V desconectar to disconnect 11 V describir to decribe 11 N descubrimiento "discovery, m." 99 V descubrir to discover 99 N descuento "discount, m." 99 P desde "since, from, after" 99 V desear "to desire, wish" 2 V desempacar to unpack 2 N desempleo "unemployment, m." 99 A desgraciado/a "unfortunate, unhappy" 99 V despedir "to fire, discharge (from a job)" "(i,i)" 11 V despegar to take off 99 A despejado/a clear 9 N despertador "alarm clock, m." 2 V despertarse to wake up (ie) 9 P después de after después (de) que: after 66 O detalladamente in detail 11 N detalle "detail, m." 99 V detectar "to detect, find" 17 V detestar to detest 99 P detrás de behind 6 N deuda "debt, f." 17 N día "day, m." Buenos días.: Good morning.; de día: during the day 1 N diálogo "dialogue, m." 99 N diario "diary, m., newspaper" (adj): daily 93 N dibujo "sketch, drawing, m." 99 N diciembre "December, m." 3 N dieta "diet, f." estar a dieta: to be on a diet 8 A diferente different 7 O ¿Diga? "May I help you?, Hello?" 2 N dinastía "dynasty, f." 99 N dinero "money, m." 2 N dios "god, m." 99 N diosa "goddess, f." 99 N dirección "address, f." 5 O directamente directly 99 N dirigente "leader, executive, m/f." 99 V dirigir to direct 12 N disco "record, m." disco flexible: floppy disk 52 N discoteca "discotheque, f." 99 N discriminación "discrimination, f." 16 V discutir "to discuss, argue" 99 V diseñar to design 18 V disfrutar to enjoy 18 V disparar to fire (a gun) 99 N disparo "shot, m." 99 A disponible available 2 A dispuesto/a "ready, willing, disposed" "estar dispuesto/a: to be willing, inclined" 18 A distinto/a "distinct, different" 99 V distribuir to distribute 16 N diversión "entertainment, recreation, f." 15 A diverso/a diverse 99 V divertirse "to have fun, enjoy (oneself)" "(ie, i)" 9 V dividir to divide 16 N división "division, f." 15 N divorcio "divorce, m." 99 V doblar to turn 9 A doble double 2 N docena "dozen, f." 7 N doctor/a "doctor, m/f." 1 N dólar "dollar, m." 4 N dolor "ache, pain, m." 13 N dominación "domination, f." 99 V dominar to dominate 99 N domingo "Sunday, m." 3 O don title used before a man's first name 99 O ¿Dónde? Where? 5 O doña title used before a woman's frist name 99 V dormir to sleep "(ue, u)" 99 V dormirse to fall asleep "(ue, u)" 9 N dormitorio "bedroom, m." 99 N drama "drama, m." 99 V dramatizar to dramatize 99 N ducha "shower, f." 12 V ducharse to take a shower 9 N duda "doubt, f." no cabe duda: no doubt; es dudoso: it is doubtful 15 V dudar to doubt 15 N dueño/a "owner, m/f." 11 N dulce "sweet, candy, m." 99 N duque "duke, m." 99 O durante during 10 V durar to last 12 N economía "economy, f." 10 A económico/a economic 17 N edad "age, f." 13 N edificio "building, m." 6 N educación "education, f." 99 A efectivo effective 99 N efecto "effect, m." 99 A ejecutivo/a executive 18 N ejercicio "exercise, m." 14 N ejército "army, m." 99 O el m s art: the 2 O él "subj pron: he, it (m s)" 2 N elección "election, f." 10 N electricista "electrician, m/f." 18 A elegante elegant 5 V elegir "to elect, select" "(i, i)" 99 N elemento "element, m." 99 V eliminar to eliminate 17 O ella "subj pron: she, it (f s)" 2 O ellas subj pron: they (f pl) 2 O ellos subj pron: they (m pl) 2 N emergencia "emergency, f." 11 N emigrante "emigrant, m/f." 99 V empacar to pack 2 A empanizado/a breaded 8 A empapado/a "wet, soaking" 9 V empatar to tie 10 V empezar to begin ie) 4 N empleado/a "employee, m/f." 16 N empleo "employment, m." 10 N empresa "firm, company, f." 16 P en "in, at" "en frente de: facing, opposite" 2 A encantado/a delighted 1 V encantar "to charm, delight" 13 V encargarse to take charge of 16 V encontrar to find ue) 4 N encuesta "survey, f." 99 A enchufado/a plugged in 12 V enchufar to plug in 12 N energía "energy, f." 12 N enero "January, m." 3 V enfermarse to get sick 99 N enfermedad "illness, f." 14 N enfermero/a "nurse, m/f." 14 A enfermo/a sick 5 V enfrentar to confront 99 V engañar to deceive 99 V engordar to gain weight 99 A enojado/a angry 12 V enojarse to get angry 12 A enorme enormous 99 N ensalada "salad, f." 8 V enseñar "to teach, show" 15 V entender to understand ie) 4 A entero/a entire 99 O entonces "then, in that case" 7 N entrada "entrance, f." 11 P entre between 6 N entremés "side dish, hors d'oeuvre, m." 99 N entrenador/a "coach, trainer, m/f." 99 N entrenamiento "training, m." 18 N entrevista "interview, f." 15 N entrevistador/a "interviewer, m/f." 18 V entrevistar to interview 16 V enumerar "to list, enumerate" 18 V enviar to send 9 N época "epoch, f." 99 N equipaje "luggage, m." 3 N equipo "team, m." 10 N equivalente "equivalent, m." 99 V equivocarse to make a mistake 99 N escala "stopover, f." 3 N exclavo/a "slave, m/f." 99 A escolar (pertaining to) school 99 A escondido/a hidden 99 V escribir to write escribir a máquina: to type 38 A escrito/a written 13 N escritor/a "writer, m/f." 99 N escritorio "desk, m." 99 V escuchar to listen 2 A ese/a that 4 O eso neuter pron: that "a eso de: around, at, about; por eso: for that reason, tha" 92 A esos/as those 4 N espalda "back, f." 13 A español/a Spanish 4 N espárragos "asparagus, (m pl)." 8 N especia "spice, f." 8 N especialista "specialist, m/f." 14 N especialización "major, f." 5 O especialmente specially 14 V especificar to specify 99 N espectáculo "show, special event, m." 4 N espectador/a "spectator, m/f." 15 N esperanza "hope, f." 15 V esperar "to wait for, hope" 7 N espinacas "spinach, (f pl)." 8 N esposa "wife, f." 10 N esposo "husband, m." 10 N esquí "ski, skiing, m." 15 V esquiar to ski 15 N esquina "corner, f." 9 V establecer to establish 17 N estación "season, station, f." 3 V estacionar to park 99 N estadio "stadium, m." 15 N estado "state, m." 11 A estadounidense of the United States 99 V estar to be "estar a gusto: to be comfortable, at ease; estar chévere: " 58 A estatal pertaining to the state 17 A este/a this 4 V estirar to stretch 14 O esto neuter pron: this 99 N estómago "stomach, m." 13 A estos/as these 4 N estrategia "strategy, f." 99 N estrella "star, f." 16 N estudiante "student, m/f." 5 A estudiantil pertaining to students 17 V estudiar to study 7 A estudioso/a studious 12 A estupendo/a stupendous 9 A estúpido/a stupid 15 V evitar to avoid 11 A exacto/a exact 11 N examen "exam, m." 99 A excelente "great, excellent" 1 N exceso "excess, m." 14 N excursión "excursion, f." 3 N excusa "excuse, f." 12 N exhibición "exhibition, f." 99 V exigir "to demand, insist upon" 18 V existir to exist 17 N éxito "success, m." 99 N experiencia experience 10 N experimento "experiment, m." 12 N experto/a "expert, m/f." 99 N explosivo "explosive, m." 10 V explotar to explode 10 V expresar to express 99 N expresión "expression, f." 99 V expulsar to expel 15 A exquisito exquisite 8 N extranjero/a "foreigner, m/f." 18 V extrañar to miss 6 A extraño/a "strange, unusual" 11 N fábrica "factory, manufacturer, f." 99 A fácil easy 99 N facultad "school, college, f." 99 N falda "skirt, f." 2 A falta foul 15 V faltar "to be lacking, missing" 8 N familia "family, f." 6 A famoso/a famous 16 A fantástico/a fantastic 13 N farmacia "pharmacy, f." 99 A fatal fatal 99 A favorito/a favorite 5 N febrero "February, m." 3 N federación "federation, f." 99 N felicitaciones "congratulations, f." 99 V felicitar to congratulate 10 A feliz happy 99 A femenino/a feminine 99 A fenomenal phenomenal 99 A feo/a ugly 4 A festivo/a festive 99 N fiebre "fever, f." 13 N fiesta "party, f." fiesta de despedida: farewell party; fiesta de soltera: br 56 N filosofía "philosophy, f." 99 N fin de semana "weekend, m." 7 V firmar to sign 16 A físico/a physical 14 A flaco/a thin 6 N flan "custard with caramel topping, m." 8 N flor "flower, f." 7 N florero "vase, m." 7 N fondo "back, rear, m." al fondo: in the back 8 A formal formal 16 V formar to form 99 N formato "format, m." 18 N fortaleza "fortitude, strength, f." 99 N fotografía "photograph, f." foto: photo; sacar fotos: to take pictures 13 N "francés, francesa" "French, m/f." 4 N frase "phrase, f." 99 A frecuentemente frequently 99 V frenar to brake 11 N fresa "strawberry, f." 8 A fresco/a fresh 8 A frito/a fried 8 N frustración "frustration, f." 14 N fruta "fruit, f." 8 N fuente "fountain, source, f." 99 A fuerte strong 7 A fuertemente "strongly, loudly" 11 V fumar to smoke 3 V funcionar "to work, function" 12 N funcionario "functionary, official, m." 99 A fundado/a founded 99 N funeral "funeral, m." 99 N fútbol "soccer, m." 7 N futbolista "soccer player, m/f." 99 A futuro future 99 N gafas "eyeglasses, spectacles, f." gafas de sol: sunglasses 13 N ganado "cattle, livestock, m." 99 V ganar "to win, earn" 15 N ganga "bargain, f." 10 N garaje "garage, m." 6 V garantizar to guarantee 17 N garganta "throat, f." 14 N garra "claw, f." 99 A gaseoso/a carbonated 99 N gasolina "gasoline, f." 2 N gasolinera "gas station, f." 99 V gastar to spend (money) 4 N gasto "expense, m." 6 N gato/a "cat, m/f." 6 O generalmente generally 9 N gente "people, f." 4 N gerencia "management, f." 99 N gerente "manager, m/f." 99 N gesto "gesture, m." 99 N gigante "giant, m/f." 99 N glorieta "traffic circle, f." 99 N gobernador/a "governor, m/f." 10 N gobierno "government, m." 12 N gol "goal, m." 15 N golpe "blow, hit, m." 11 N goma "rubber, eraser, f." 99 A gordo/a fat 4 V gozar to enjoy 99 N grabadora "tape recorder, f." 99 N grado "degree, m." 9 N graduación "graduation, f." 99 V graduarse to graduate 16 A grande "big, large" "gran: great, famous" 4 A gratis free 99 N gringo/a "foreigner, m/f." 99 A gris gray 4 V gritar "to cry out, shout" 11 N grupo "group, m." 7 N guante "glove, m." 9 A guapo/a "handsome, good-looking" 4 N guardería infantil "daycare center, nursery, f." 17 N guardia nacional "national guard, f." 17 N guerra "war, f." 10 N guía "guide, m/f." 4 V guiar "to guide, lead" 18 N guión "hyphen, m." 99 N guitarra "guitar, f." 99 V gustar "to like, be pleasing" 8 V haber to be haber: to have (auxiliary verb); hay: there is/are 213 N habilidad "ability, f." 18 N habitación "room, f." 2 N habitante "inhabitant, m/f." 11 V hablar to speak 2 V hacer "to make, do" hace buen tiempo: the weather is nice 46 P hacia toward 99 A hambriento/a hungry 17 N hamburguesa "hamburger, f." 8 P hasta until Hasta la visto.: Good-bye.(See you.); Hasta luego.: See yo 16 V hay there is/are hay que: it is necessary; ¿Qué hay?: What's up? 14 N hebreo/a "Hebrew, m/f." 4 N hecho "fact, n." made (pp) 99 N helado "ice cream, m." 8 A herido/a "injured, hurt" 11 N hermana "sister, f." 4 N hermano "brother, m." 4 A hermoso/a beautiful 4 N hielo "ice, m." "con hielo: with ice, iced" 8 N hija "daughter, f." 6 N hijo "son, m." 6 N hijos "children, sons, m." 99 A hispanoamericano/a Hispanic American 99 N historia "history, f." 5 N hogar "home, m." hogar de ancianos: nursing home 17 N hoja "leaf, f." 99 O Hola. Hello. 1 N hombre "man, m." 4 N hombro "shoulder, m." 14 A hondo deep 99 N honor "honor, m." 99 N hora "hour, time, f." 3 N horario "schedule, m." 99 N hospital "hospital, m." 11 N hostal "hostel, m." 99 N hotel "hotel, m." 2 O hoy today 3 V hubo ther was/were 11 N huelga "strike, f." 12 N huérfano/a "orphan, m/f." 17 N huésped "guest, m/f." 99 N huevo "egg, m." 8 N humano/a "human, m/f." 99 A humilde humble 7 N humo "smoke, m." 11 O ¡Huy! Ouch! 99 V identificar to identify 11 N idioma "language, m." 4 A igual equal 99 O igualmente likewise 1 A ilegal illegal 15 N ilusión "illusion, f." 99 N imagen "image, picture, f." 12 V imaginar to imagine 7 A imparcial impartial 15 A imperfecto/a imperfect 99 N imperio "empire, m." 99 N impermeable "raincoat, m." 4 A impersonal impersonal 99 N importancia "importance, f." 10 A importante important 5 A imposible impossible 6 N impresión "impression, f." 7 A impresionante impressive 10 V impresionar to impress 7 N inca "Inca, m/f." 99 A incaico/a Incan 13 A incapacitado/a disabled 99 N incendio "fire, m." 11 V incluir to include 6 A increíble incredible 15 N indecisión "indecision, f." 99 N independencia "independence, f." 99 A independiente independent 17 V indicar to indicate 99 N indigestión "indigestion, f." 13 A infantil infantile 99 N influencia "influence, f." 99 N información "information, f." 3 A informal informal 16 N informática "computer science, f." 12 N informe "report, m." 99 N ingeniería "engineering, f." 5 N ingeniero/a "engineer, m/f." 99 N Inglaterra "England, f." 99 N "inglés, inglesa" "English, m/f." 4 V iniciar "to initiate, begin" 99 A inmediato/a immediate 11 A inolvidable unforgettable 16 N inspector/a "inspector, m/f." 99 N instrumento "instrument, m." 12 N inteligencia "intelligence, f." 15 N intención "intention, f." 99 V intentar "to try, attempt" 99 N intercambio "interchange, m." 99 N interés "interest, m." 99 A interesante interesting 5 V interesar to interest 10 A internacional international 3 N interpretación "interpretation, f." 99 V interpretar to interpret 99 V interrogar " to interrogate, question" 11 A íntimo/a intimate 99 N introducción "introdution, f." 99 V invertir to invest "ie, i)" 17 N investigación "investigation, f." 11 V investigar to investigate 11 N invierno "winter, m." 3 N invitación "invitation, f." 5 N invitado/a "guest, m/f." 5 N inyección "injection, shot, f." 14 V ir to go ir de compras: to go shopping; irse: to go away 3 A italiano/a Italian 4 N itinerario "itinerary, m." 13 A izquierdo/a left 6 N jaguar "jaguar, m." 99 O jamás never 11 N japonés/japonesa "Japanese, m/f." 4 N jarabe "syrup, m." 13 N jefe/a "boss, m/f." 12 N jerez "sherry, m." 7 N joven "young person, m/f." 4 N laboratorio "laboratory, m." 9 A jubilado/a retired 99 N juego "game, m." 15 N jueves "Thursday, m." 3 N jugador/a "player, m/f." 15 V jugar "to play (sports, games)" (ue) 4 N jugo "juice, m." 3 N julio "July, m." 3 N junio "June, m." 3 A junto/a "together, joined" "junto a: next to, by" 92 A justo/a "just, fair" 15 N juventud "youth, f." 12 O la art: the (f s) "dir obj pron: her, it, you (f s)" 7 N lado "side, m." "al lado de: next to, beside" 6 N ladrón/ladrona "thief, m/f." 11 N lago "lake, m." 10 N lámpara "lamp, f." 99 N lana "wool, f." 4 N langosta "lobster, f." 8 N lanzador/a "(baseball) pitcher, m/f." 15 N lápiz "pencil, m." 99 A largo/a long 4 O las art: the (f pl) "dir obj pron: them, you (f pl)" 2 N lástima "a shame, f." 15 A lastimado/a hurt 11 V lastimar "to hurt, injure" 11 N latino/a "Latin, m/f." 99 N Latinoamérica "Latin America, f." 99 N lavandería "laundry, f." 99 N lavaplatos "dishwasher, m/f." 18 V lavar to wash 2 V lavarse to wash (oneself) 9 O le "ind. ob (to, for) him, her, you (s)" 8 N lección "lesson, f." 99 N lectura "reading, f." 99 N leche "milk, f." 8 N lechuga "lettuce, f." 8 V leer to read 3 O lejos de far from 6 N lengua "tongue, f." 99 O lentamente slowly 9 N lentes "eyeglasses, m." 13 A lento/a slow lento: slowly (adv) 99 N león/leona "lion, m/f." 99 O les "ind. ob: (to, for) them, you (pl)" 8 V levantar "to pick up, lift" 99 V levantarse to get up 9 N ley "law, f." 99 N liberación "liberation, f." 16 A libre free 7 N librería "bookstore, f." 9 N libro "book, m." 4 N licencia "license, f." 99 N limón "lemon, m." 8 N limonada "lemonade, f." 4 N limosina "limousine, f." 10 V limpiar to clean 2 A lindo/a pretty 7 N línea "line, f." 99 N liquidación "sale, f." 4 N líquido "liquid, m." 13 N lista "list, f." 2 A listo/a "alert, smart, ready" 44 A literario/a literary 99 N literatura "literature, f." 99 O lo "dir obj pron: him, it, you (m s)" art: the (n) 7 A loco/a crazy 99 N locutor/a "announcer, m/f." 10 V lograr "to get, obtain" 99 N loma "hill, f." 99 O los art: the (m pl) "dir obj pron: them, you (m pl)" 2 N lotería "lottery, f." 99 N lucha "fight, struggle, f." lucha libre: wrestling 15 N lugar "place, m." 11 N lujo "luxury, m." de lujo: deluxe 15 N luna de miel "honeymoon, f." 16 N lunes "Monday, m." 3 V llamar to call 2 V llavarse "to be named, be called" ¿Cómo se (te) llama(s)?: What's your name? 1 N llanta "tire, f." 11 N llave "key, f." 13 N llegada "arrival, f." 3 V llegar to arrive 3 V llenar to fill 2 V llevar "to take, wear" 2 V llorar to cry 12 V llover to rain Está lloviendo a cántaros.: It's raining cats and dogs. 9 V lloviznar "to drizzle, rain lightly" 9 N lluvia "rain, f." 9 N madre "mother, f." 6 N madrina "bridesmaid, godmother, f." 99 N maestro/a "teacher, m/f." 12 N máiz "corn, m." 8 N maleta "suitcase, f." 2 A malo/a bad 6 N mamá "mom, f." 4 V mandar "to send, to order" 2 V manejar "to manage, handle, drive" 99 N manera "manner, f." 99 N manifestación "manifestation, demonstration, f." 99 N mano "hand, f." 14 V mantener to maintain mantenerse en forma: to keep in shape 14 N mantequilla "butter, f." 8 N manual "manual, m." 99 N manzana "apple, f." 8 N mapa "map, m." 2 N máquina "machine, f." máquina de afeitar: shaver 13 N mar "sea, m." 16 V marcar "to dial, mark" 2 N marcha "march, f." 99 A mareado/a dizzy 13 N mareo "nausea, seasickness, m." 13 N marido "husband, m." 99 N mariposa "butterfly, f." 99 N marisco "shellfish, m." 8 N martes "Tuesday, m." 3 N marzo "March, m." 3 A marrón brown 4 O más more 6 A masculino masculine 99 V masticar to chew 99 V matar to kill 10 N matemáticas "mathematics, f." 99 N materia "matter, subject, f." 99 N matrícula "registration, f." 12 V matricularse to register 12 N matrimonio "married couple, matrimony, m." 17 A máximo/a maximum 99 N mayo "May, m." 3 A mayor older 6 N mayoría "majority, f." 10 O me dir obj pron: me "indir obj pron: (to, for) me; refl pron: myself" 7 N mecánico/a "mechanic, m/f." 10 N mecanografía "typing, f." 18 N medianoche "midnight, f." 9 N medias "stockings, socks, f." 2 N medicina "medicine, f." 99 N médico/a "doctor, m/f." 11 N medio/a "half, m/f." 7 N mediodía "noon, m." 3 A mejor better 6 V mejorar to improve 17 V mejorarse to get better 13 N melocotón "peach, m." 8 N melón "melon, m." 8 N mendigo/a "beggar, m/f." 99 A menor younger 6 A menos less a menos que: unless 66 N mensaje "message, m." 99 A mensual monthly 6 V mentir to lie "(ie, i)" 11 N mentón "chin, m." 14 N mercado "market, m." 99 N mes "month, m." 3 N mesa "table, f." 7 N mesón "inn, tavern, m." 99 O mi poss adj: my 6 O mí prep pron: me 99 N miel "honey, f." luna de miel: honeymoon 99 N miembro "member, limb, m." 99 O mientras while 12 N miércoles "Wednesday, m." 3 N militar "military man, soldier, m." 16 N milla "mile, f." 13 N millionario/a "millionaire, m/f." 99 N mineral "mineral, m." 4 A mínimo/a minimum 99 N ministro/a "minister, m/f." 10 N minuto "minute, m." 4 O mío/a mine 99 V mirar "to look at, watch" 2 N miseria "misery, f." 99 A mismo/a same 12 A mixto/a mixed 99 N modelo "model, m/f." 99 A moderno/a modern 99 N modo "mode, manner, way, m." de todos modos: anyway 15 V molestar to bother 7 A molido/a exhausted 14 N momento "moment, m." un momento: just a minute 2 A monetaria monetary 99 N mono/a "monkey, m/f." adj): cute 99 N monólogo "monologue, m." 99 N montaña "mountain, f." 10 V montar to mount 99 N montón "heap, a lot, m." 13 N monumento "monument, m." 13 A morado/a purple 4 V mordisquear to nibble at 99 A moreno/a "brunette, dark brown" 4 V morir to die "(ue, u)" 10 V mostrar to show (ue) 99 N moto(cicleta) "motorcycle, f." 11 N motociclista "motorcyclist, m/f." 11 N motor "motor, m." 10 V mover to move (ue) 12 N movimiento "movement, m." 99 N moza "waitress, f." 8 N mozo "waiter, m." 4 N muchacha "girl, f." 5 N muchacho "boy, m." 5 A mucho/a "much, a lot" Mucho gusto.: Pleased to meet you. 1 A muchos/as many 2 V mudarse to move 6 N mueble "piece of furniture, m." 6 A muerto/a dead 12 N mujer "woman, f." 4 N mundo "world, m." 9 N museo "museum, m." 4 N música "music, f." 5 N nación "nation, f." 10 A nacional national 99 N nachos "tortilla chip and cheese snack, m." 99 N nada "nothing, f." De nada.: You're welcome. 11 V nadar to swim 15 O nadie "no one, nobody" 15 N naranja "orange, f." 8 N nariz "nose, f." 14 N narración "narration, f." 99 N natación "swimming, f." 15 N navaja "knife, f." 11 N Navidad "Christmas, f." 99 N neblina "fog, mist, f." 9 V necesitar to need 2 V negar to deny (ie) 17 N negocio "business, m." 99 A negro/a black 4 A nervioso/a nervous 5 V nevar to snow ni: nor; ni...ni: neither...nor (ie) 255 N nieta "granddaughter, f." 99 N nieto "grandson, m." 99 N nieve "snow, f." 9 A ninguno/a "none, not any" 11 N niño/a "child, m/f." 3 N nivel "level, m." 14 O no "no, not" 1 N noche "night, f." "Buenas noches.: Good evening., Good night." 1 V nombrar to name 99 A normal normal 99 N norte "north, m." 99 O nos dir obj pron: us "indir obj pron: (to, for) us; refl pron: ourselves" 7 O nosotros/as subj pron: we prep pron: us 2 A nostálgico/a nostalgic 7 N nota "grade, f." 12 V notar to notice 11 N noticias "news, f." 10 N noticiero "news program, m." 10 N novela "novel, f." 3 N novia "girlfriend, bride, f." 56 N noviembre "November, m." 3 N novio "boyfriend, bridegroom, m." 56 A nublado/a cloudy 9 O nuestro/a poss adj: our 6 A nuevo/a new 2 O nunca never 6 N nutrición "nutrition, f." 99 O o or o...o: either...or 101 N objetivo "objective, m." 99 N objeto "object, m." 99 A obligado/a obligated 99 N obra "work (of an author/artist), f." 10 N obrero/a "laborer, worker, m/f." 99 V observar to observe 3 V obtener to obtain 99 A obvio/a obvious 15 N octubre "October, m." 3 A ocupado/a "occupied, busy" 99 V ocurrir to occur 10 N odiar to hate 7 N oferta "offer, f." 16 N oficina "office, f." 10 V ofrecer to offer 8 N oído "inner ear, m." 14 V oír to hear 7 O ojalá I hope; God grant 14 N ojo "eye, m." 14 O ¡Olé! ¡Bravo! 15 N Olimpiada "Olympiad, f." 99 N olor "odor, smell, m." 11 V olvidar to forget 13 N operador/a "operator, m/f." 3 V opinar to have an opinion 10 N opinión "opinion, f." 8 V oponerse to be opposed to 17 N oportunidad "opportunity, f." 10 N optimista "optimist, m/f." 7 N oración "sentence, f." 99 N orden "order, command, f." A sus órdenes.: At your service. 8 N ordenador "computer (Spain), m." 12 N oreja "ear, f." 14 N organización "organization, f." 99 V organizar to organize 99 O os dir obj pron fam: you (pl) "indir obj pron fam: (to, for) you (pl)" 7 A oscuro/a dark 6 N otoño "autumn, m." 3 A otro/a "another, other" 3 N paciente "patient, m/f." 99 N padre "father, m." 6 N padres "parents, m." 6 N padrino "godfather, m." godparents (pl) 99 V pagar to pay 2 N página "page, f." 99 N pago inicial "down payment, m." 18 N país "country, m." 13 N pájaro/a "bird, m/f." 99 N palabra "word, f." 18 N palacio "palace, m." 99 N paloma "pigeon, f." 99 N pan "bread, m." 8 N panadería "bakery, f." 9 N pantalones "pants, m." pantalones cortos: shorts 2 N pantalla "screen, f." 12 N pañuelo "handkerchief, neckerchief, m." 4 N papa "potato (Latin America), f." 8 N papá "dad, m." 4 N papel "paper, m." 99 N papelería "stationery store, f." 9 N par "pair, m." 2 P para "for, intended for" "in order to, to be given to, toward, by a specified time," 35 N parada "stop, f." parada de autobús: bus stop 6 N paraguas "umbrella, m." 9 V parar to stop 11 A pardo/a brown 4 V parecer to seem 8 N pareja "pair, f." 99 N paréntesis "parenthesis, m." 99 N pariente "relative, m." 99 N parque "park, m." 9 N parte "part, f." 99 V participar to participate 99 A particular particular 99 N partida "departure, f." 99 N partido "party (political), m." game (sports) 10 N párrafo "paragraph, m." 99 N parrilla "grill, f." a la parrilla: grilled 8 A pasado/a past 12 N pasaje "passage, fare, m." 3 N pasajero/a "traveler, m/f." 3 N pasaporte "passport, m." 13 V pasar "to pass, spend (time)" Que lo pases bien.: Have a good time.; ¿Qué pasó?: What ha 11 N pasatiempo "pastime, m." 15 N paseo "walk, stroll, m." 99 N paso "step, m." paso a paso: one step at a time 18 N pastelería "pastry shop, f." 9 N pastilla "pill, f." 4 N patata "potato (Spain), f." 8 N patio "patio, m." 5 N pausa "pause, f." 99 N pavo "turkey, m." 8 N pecho "chest, m." 14 N pedazo "piece, m." estar hecho/a pedazos: to be falling apart 14 V pedir to ask for "(i, i)" 6 V pegar " to beat, hit" 11 V peinarse to comb one's hair 9 N peine "comb, m." 2 N película "movie, film, f." 7 A pelirrojo/a redheaded 4 A pelirrubio/a light-haired 4 N pelota "ball, f." 15 V pensar to think (ie) 4 A peor worse 6 A pequeño/a small 4 N pera "pear, f." 8 V perder to lose (ie) 4 V perderse to get lost (ie) 13 A perdido/a lost 13 N perdón "pardon, m." 99 A perezoso/a lazy 5 A perfecto/a perfect 99 N periódico "newspaper, m." 3 N periodista "journalist, m/f." 99 V permanecer "to stay, remain" 99 N permiso "permission, m." 17 V permitir to permit 6 O pero but 3 N persona "person, f." 5 N personal "personnel, m." 11 N personalidad "personality, f." 99 A pertinente pertinent 18 N perro/a "dog, m/f." 6 A pesado/a heavy 13 V pesar to weigh 99 N pescado "fish, m." 8 N pescador/a "fisher, m/f." 99 N peseta "monetary unit (Spain), f." 3 N pesimista "pessimist, m/f." 7 A pésimo/a "very bad, abominable" 8 N peso "monetary unit, m." peso: weight 33 N pie "foot, m." 13 N piedra "rock, stone, f." 99 N pierna "leg, f." 14 N pieza "room, f." 10 N pijama "pajama, m." 4 N piloto "pilot, m." 3 N pimienta "pepper, f." 8 N pintura "painting, f." 7 N piña "pineapple, f." 8 N piscina "swimming pool, f." 9 N piso "floor, tier, m." 146 N pista "track, runway, f." 99 N pistola "pistol, gun, f." 11 N placer "pleasure, m." Es un placer.: It's a pleasure. 1 V planear to plan 16 N plástico "plastic, m." 6 N plata "silver, money, f." 99 N plátano "banana, m." 8 N plato "plate, m." 8 N playa "beach, f." 9 N plaza "plaza, f." 99 A pobre poor 99 N pobreza "poverty, f." 17 A poco/a "little, slight" "adv): little, not much; un poco: a little" 3 V poder "to be able, can" ¿Podría...?: Could you... (ue) 4 N poema "poem, m." 9 N poesía "poetry, f." 9 N policía "police force, f." 10 N policía "policeman, m." 10 N política "politics, f." 10 N político/a "politician, m/f." adj): political 10 N pollo "chicken, m." 8 V poner to put 7 V ponerse "to put on (clothing), become" ponerse en forma: to get in shape 4 P por "for, by, by means of, through, along, on; because of, during" 5 N portugués/portuguesa "Portuguese, m/f." 4 N posibilidad "possibility, f." 15 A posible possible 15 A positivamente positively 14 V postergar to postpone 3 N postre "dessert, m." 8 N postulante "candidate, m/f." 12 V postular to apply for 18 A práctico/a practical 7 N precio "price, m." 99 O precisamente precisely 11 A preciso precise 99 A precolombino/a pre-Columbian 99 N predicción "prediction, f." 99 A preferible preferable 9 V preferir to prefer "(ie, i)" 4 N pregunta "question, f." 7 V preguntar to ask (a question) 2 N premio "prize, m." 12 N prenda "garment, f." 99 N prensa "press, f." 99 N preocupación "preoccupation, worry, f." 14 A preocupado/a worried 5 V preocuparse to worry 14 N preparación "preparaion, f." 99 V preparar to prepare 2 N presencia "manner, bearing, f." 18 N presentación "presentation, introduction, f." 99 V presentar "to present, introduce" 1 A preservado/a preserved 13 N presidente/a "president, m/f." 10 N presión alta/baja "high/low blood pressure, f." 14 N préstamo "loan, m." 6 V prestar to lend 11 N presupuesto "budget, m." 17 N pretérito "preterite, m." 99 V prevenir to prevent 14 A preventivo/a preventive 14 A previo/a previous 18 N primaria "primary school, f." 12 N primavera "spring, f." 3 A primer(o/a) first 6 N primo/a "cousin, m/f." 6 A principal principal 9 N principiante "beginner, m/f." 15 N principio "beginning, m." 99 A probable probable 99 V probar "to taste, try" (ue) 8 N problema "problem, m." 12 N proceso "process, m." 99 V producir to produce 99 N profesión "profession, f." 99 N profesor/a "professor, m/f." 1 N profesorado "faculty, m." 17 O profundamente profoundly 14 N programación "programming, f." 99 V progresar to progress 18 N progreso "progress, m." 99 V prometer to promise 6 N pronóstico "forecast, m." 9 N pronunciación "pronunciation, f." 99 N propina "tip, f." 8 A propio/a "own, same" 18 V proponer to propose 17 N propósito "purpose, m." 99 N protección "protection, f." 99 V proteger to protect 13 V protestar to protest 12 V provocar to provoke 11 A próximo/a next 4 A público/a public 99 N pueblo "town, village, people, m." 17 N puerta "door, f." 5 A puertorriqueño/a Puerto Rican 99 O pues "then, will" 99 N puesto "job, position, m." 10 N punto "point, m." 99 N puntuación "punctuation, f." 99 A puntual punctual 7 O que "re pron: that, which, who" 99 O ¿Qué? What? ¿Qué tal?: How are you? 1 V quedarse to stay 13 N quehaceres "chores, m." quehaceres domésticos: housework 16 N queja "complaint, f." 17 V quejarse to complain 99 N quemadura "burn, f." 11 V quemar to burn 11 V querer to want (ie) 4 N querido/a "dear, m/f." 99 N queso "cheese, m." 8 O ¿Quién(es)? Who? 5 N químico/a "chemist, m/f." 99 N quincenario "fifteenth birthday, m." 99 O quisiera I would like 2 V quitarse to take off (clothing) 9 O quizá(s) maybe 14 N radio "radio, f." 2 N ramo "bouquet, m." 7 O rápidamente rapidly 9 N rato "a while, moment, m." 9 A razonable reasonable 99 N reacción "reaction, f." 99 V reaccionar to react 99 A real royal 99 N realidad "reality, f." en realidad: actually 12 N realista "realist, m/f." 7 N rebaja "rebate, lowering, f." 99 N rebelión "rebellion, f." 99 N recado "message, m." 99 N recámara "bedroom, f." 6 N recepción "reception, f." 16 V recibir to receive 3 O recientemente recently 10 N recomendación "recommendation, f." 18 V recomendar to recommend (ie) 8 V recordar to remember (ue) 6 V recorrer "to go over, travel abroad" 17 N recuento "recount, m." 13 N recuerdo "souvenir, m." 13 V reducir to reduce 17 N referencia "reference, f." 18 N refresco "soft drink, m." 2 N refugiado/a "refugee, m/f." 99 N refugio "refuge, m." 99 N regalo "gift, m." 3 N región "region, f." 15 A regular regular 10 O regularmente regularly 14 N reina "queen, f." 99 V reírse to laugh "(i, i)" 11 N relación "relation, f." 99 V relajarse to relax 14 V relatar "to relate, report" 11 A religioso/a religious 13 A rendido/a worn out 14 V reparar to repair 10 V repetir to repeat "i, i)" 7 N reportero/a "reporter, m/f." 15 N representante "representative, m/f." 10 N republicano/a "republican, m/f." 10 N reputación "reputation, f." 18 V requerir to require "(ie, i)" 10 N requisito "requirement, m." 17 N reservación "reservation, f." 2 V reservar to reserve 99 N resfriado "common cold, m." 13 N residencia "dorm, f." 6 V residir to reside 10 V respetar to respect 7 V respirar to breathe 14 N responsabilidad "responsibility, f." 12 A responsable responsible 18 N respuesta "answer, f." 99 N restaurante "restaurant, m." 3 N resto "rest, remainder, m." restos: remains 10 N resultado "result, m." 10 N resumen "summary, m." 99 N reunión "reunion, meeting, f." 99 V reunirse "to meet, get together" 12 V reventar "to burst, blow out" (ie) 11 V revisar "to revise, review, check" 17 N revista "magazine, f." 3 A revuelto/a scrambled 8 N rey "king, m." 99 A rico/a "rich, delicious" 5 A ridículo/a ridiculous 15 N rima "rhyme, f." 99 N rincón "corner, m." en el rincón: in the corner 8 N ritmo "rhythm, m." 14 V robar "to rob, steal" 11 N robo "robbery, theft, m." 11 V rodear to surround 99 N rodilla "knee, f." 14 A rojo/a red 4 A romano/a Roman 99 A ramántico/a romantic 7 V romper to break 13 N ropa "clothes, clothing, f." ropa interior: underwear 2 N rosa "rose, f." 7 A rosado/a pink 4 A rubio/a blond 4 N ruido "noise, m." 11 N ruina "ruin, f." 13 N ruso/a "Russian, m/f." 4 N rutina "routine, f." 9 N sábado "Saturday, m." 3 V saber "to know, know how" 5 N sabor "taste, flavor, m." le falta sabor: it lacks flavor; sin sabor: tasteless 8 A sabroso/a "delicious, savory" 8 V sacar to take out sacar fotos: to take pictures 23 N sacerdote "priest, m." 16 V sacudir to dust 16 N sal "salt, f." 8 N sala "living room, f." 5 A salado/a salty 8 N salario "salary, m." 18 N saleros "salt and pepper shakers, m." 8 N salida "departure, f." 3 V salir to leave 3 N salón "salon, hall, m." salón de belleza: beauty salon 15 N salsa "sauce, f." salsa de tomate: ketchup; salsa picante: hot sauce 8 V saltar to jump 14 N salud "health, f." 13 N saludo "greeting, m." "Saludos a...: Say ""hello"" to ..." 1 N sangre "blood, f." 14 A sano/a healthy 99 A satisfecho/a satisfied estar satisfecho/a: to be full 8 N saxofón "saxophone, m." 12 O se refl pron: him/her/itself "yourself (yourselves), themselves; impersonal pron" 90 A seco/a dry 99 N secretario/a "secretary, m/f." 10 N secreto "secret, m." 99 A secundaria/o secondary "secundaria (noun): high school, f." 12 N seda "silk, f." 4 N seguida: en seguida "at once, immediately, f." 9 V seguir "to follow, continue" "(i, i)" 7 P según according to 7 A segundo/a second 99 N seguridad "security, f." 99 A seguro/a "sure, secure, safe" "seguro (noun): insurance, m." 11 N selva "jungle, f." 99 N semana "week, f." 3 A semanal weekly 99 N semestre "semester, m." 99 N senador/a "senator, m/f." 10 V sentarse to sit down (ie) 9 N sentido común "common sense, m." 14 N sentimiento "sentiment, feeling, m." 99 V sentir "to feel, regret," "sentirse: to feel (ie, i)" 74 N señal "signal, f." señal de tráfico: traffic light 11 V señalar to signal 8 N señor "Mr., sir, m." 1 N señora "Mrs., ma'am, f." 1 N señorita "Miss, f." 1 A separado/a separate 2 N septiembre "September, m." 3 V ser to be 2 N serie "series, f." 10 A serio/a serious 10 N servicio "service, restroom, m." servicio social: social service 47 N servilleta "napkin, f." 8 V servir to serve "(i, i)" 7 O si if 3 O sí yes 2 N sicólogo/a "psychologist, m/f." 14 O siempre always 4 N siglo "century, m." 99 N significado "meaning, m." 99 A siguiente "following, next" 7 N silla "chair, seat, f." 7 A simpático/a "pleasant, likable" 4 P sin without sin que: without 46 A sincero/a sincere 99 O sino "but, except" 99 N sinónimo "synonym, m." 99 O siquiera "at least, even" 13 N sistema "system, m." 99 N situación "situation, f." 99 P sobre "on, over" 3 N sobretodo "overcoat, m." 9 N sobrina "niece, f." 99 N sobrino "nephew, m." 99 A social social 17 N sociedad "society, f." 17 N socio "member, m/f." 99 N socorro "help, m." 11 O solamente only 3 V solicitar "to ask for, solicit" 10 N solicitud "application, f." 16 O sólo only 9 A solo/a alone 13 A soltero/a "single, not married" 16 N solución "solution, f." 99 V solucionar to solve 99 N sombrero "hat, m." 2 V sonar "to sound, ring" (ue) 99 N sopa "soup, f. " 8 V sorprender to surprise 99 N sorpresa "surprise, f." 16 A sospechoso/a suspicious 11 O su(s) "his, her, its, your (s and pl), their" 6 N subempleo "unemployment, m." 99 V subir "to get on, go up" 3 V suceder to happen 13 A sucio/a dirty 6 V sudar to sweat 9 N suegra "mother-in-law, f." 16 N suegro "father-in-law, m." 16 N sueldo "salary, m." 16 N sueño "dream, m." 4 N suerte "luck, fortune, f." por suerte: fortunately 11 N suéter "sweater, m." 2 A suficiente "sufficient, adequate" 17 V sufrir to suffer 13 V sugerir to suggest "(ie, i)" 8 N suicidio "suicide, m." 99 N supermercado "supermarket, m." 6 N supervisor/a "supervisor, m/f." 18 A supuesto "supposed, assumed" 99 N sur "south, m." 13 N sustantivo "noun, m." 99 O suyo/a "your, his, her, its" 99 N tabaco "tobacco, m." 14 N tabla "board, table, f." 99 A tacaño/a "stingy, miserly" 99 N tacón "heel, m." 2 A tal such tal como: such as; tal vez: perhaps 14 N taller "shop, workshop, m." 12 O también also 5 N tambor "drum, m." 12 O tampoco neither 11 O tan so tan...como: as...as; tan pronto como: as soon as 46 A tanto "so much, as much" "tanto(a/os/as)...como: as much...as, as many...as" 4 N tapa "hors d'oeuvre, f." 7 N taquigrafía "shorthand, f." 18 A tarde late (noun): afternoon (f) 1 N tarea "homework, chore, f." 9 N tarjeta "card, f." tarjeta postal: postcard 13 N taza "cup, f." 8 O te dir obj pron: you (fam s) "indir obj pron: (to, for) you (fam s)" 7 N teatro "theater, m." 4 N tecla "key (on keyboard), f." 12 N tela "material, f." 4 N teléfono "telephone, m." 2 N telenovela "soap opera, f." 7 N televisión "television, f." tele: TV 2 N televisor "TV set, m." 99 N tema "theme, subject, m." 99 V temer to fear 15 N temor "fear, m." 15 N temperatura "temperature, f." 9 A templado/a "temperate, moderate" 99 N temporada "season, f." 99 A temprano early 6 N tenedor "fork, m." 8 V tener to have tener...años: to be...years old; tener calor: to be hot 31 N tenis "tennis, m." 7 N teoría "theory, f." 13 A tercer(o/a) third 99 A terminado/a finished 12 V terminar "to finish, end" 99 N terremoto "earthquake, m." 17 A terrible terrible 1 N terrorista "terrorist, m/f." 10 N testigo "witness, m/f." 11 N texto "text, textbook, m." 99 O ti prep pron: you 99 N tía "aunt, f." 6 N tiempo "time, weather, m." a tiempo: on time 32 N tienda "store, shop, f." 3 N tierra "earth, ground, land, f." 13 A tímido/a timid 99 A tinto/a red 99 N tintorería "dry cleaner's, f." 2 N tío "uncle, m." 6 A típico/a typical 9 N tipo "type, m." 5 N título "title, degree, m." 18 N tocadiscos "record player, m." 99 V tocar to play (a musical instrument) 5 O todavía still 5 A todo/a "all, everything" todos/as: everyon; todos los días: every day 2 A tolerante tolerant 7 V tomar "to drink, eat, take" 2 N tomate "tomato, m." 8 V tonificar "to strengthen, invigorate" 99 A tonto/a "foolish, dumb" 4 N torero/a "bullfighter, m/f." 15 N toro "bull, m." 15 N torta "cake, f." 5 O totalmente totally 11 N tour "tour, m." 4 V trabajar to work 12 N trabajo "work, m." 9 N traductor/a "translator, m/f." 18 V traer to bring 7 N tráfico "traffic, m." 99 N tragedia "tragedy, f." 99 N traje "suit, m." traje de baño: swim suit 2 A tranquilamente "tranquilly, peacefully" 11 V transpirar to perspire 9 N tren "train, m." 3 A triste sad 5 V triunfar to triumph 18 N trompeta "trumpet, f." 12 O tu fam poss adj: your 6 O tú subj pron: you 2 N turista "tourist, m/f." 3 O tuyo/a poss adj and pron: your 99 A último/a "last, ultimate" 15 O "un, uno/a" "a, an, one" unos/as: some 2 A único/a "only, unique" 99 N unidad "unit, unity, f." 99 A unido/a united 99 N universidad "university, f." 6 A universitario/a pertaining to the university 16 A urbano/a urban 18 N urgencia "urgency, emergency, f." 11 A urgente urgent 11 O urgentemente urgently 11 V usar to use 99 O usted subj pron form: you (s) 2 O ustedes subj pron form: you (pl) 2 A útil useful 99 N vacaciones "vacation, f." 2 V valer "to cost, be worth" 3 A valiente "valiant, brave" 15 N vaqueros "jeans, m." 4 N variedad "variety, f." 99 N varón "male, man, m." 15 N vaso "glass, m." 8 N vecino/a "neighbor, m/f." 13 N vegetación "vegetation, f." 99 N vegetal "vegetable, m." 99 N vejez "old age, f." 17 V Vencer "to defeat, conquer" 10 N vendedor/a "salesperson, m/f." 18 V vender to sell 10 A vendido/a "sold out, bribed" 15 V venir to come 7 N venta "sale, f." 18 N ventana "window, f." 13 V ver to see 6 N verano "summer, m." 3 N verbo "verb, m." 99 A verdadero/a "true, real" 99 A verde green 4 N verdura "vegetable, f." 8 N verso "line of a poem, m." 99 N vestido "dress, m." 2 V vestir to dress "(i, i)" 7 V vestirse "to dress, get dressed" "(i, i)" 9 N vez "time, f." alguna vez: sometime; de vez en cuando: from time to time 214 V viajar to travel 3 N víctima "victim, f." 11 N vida "life, f." 12 A viejo/a old 6 N viento "wind, m." 9 N viernes "Friday, m." 99 A violentamente violently 11 V visitar to visit 2 N vitamina "vitamin, f." 14 N vivienda "dwelling, housing, f." 99 V vivir to live 5 N vocabulario "vocabulary, m." 99 N vocal "vowel, f." 99 V volar to fly (ue) 14 N voluntario/a "volunteer, m/f." 12 V volver to return (ue) 4 O vosotros/as subj pron fam: you (pl) 2 V votar to vote 10 N voto "vote, m." 99 N voz "voice, f." en voz alta: out loud 11 N vuelo "flight, m." 3 N vuelta "turn, f." dar vuelta: to turn (around) 14 O vuestro poss adj fam: your (pl) 6 O ya already 5 O yo subj pron: I 2 N zanahoria "carrot, f." 8 N zapatería "shoe store, f." 9 N zapato "shoe, m." 2 N zoológico "zoo, m." 99